haha i just noticed, everyone who doesn't want to be classified is in a specific group hahaha
nothing serious here just saying, nothin like irony for a good laugh
its not weather you voice them its if you hold them to be true!
Comment by tiller rausch on April 21, 2010 at 10:41am
sterio types are a dule sided thing... a black guy with a long white tee and a gun and a bandana is gonna make me think gang member and its fine if he is... but dont assume based on that that hes a woman beating, drug dealing, thug with 5 kids and 3 babys mamas and he dont see any of them.. dont judge me based on what you see... judge me on proven fact
I understand that we all judge others by appearance, I hope that most can see through that or try to keep an open mind about what a person is really like. i kind of like to think that looking the way i do helps me filter the people i'd like to know from the idiots that dont understand common courtesy. I dont mean that I pick all my friends by appearance, just that you can tell what kind of personality someone has by their reactions to your looks.
Everybody judges everybody. Hell, i do it all the time too. Only thing different is i don't voice my judgments. If i get to know that person, then i can see if my initial judgments are right or wrong, and just because someone's an emo fag, doesn't mean there a bad person. So what im trying to say is, judge all you want, just keep it to yourself, cause if you actually tried to get to know the person, you might be shocked to find out you were wrong, or the judgment only went skin deep.
Everything has its contradiction. When people say they hate to be judged they know full well that they judge. All I can honestly say is to keep your thoughts you don't want people knowing to yourself. Two can keep a secret if one is dead folks. There will always be someone who doesn't agree with you, your aesthetic, and overall beliefs.
I also get called a skinhead at Hayward High [majority is black/hispanic/pacific islander/other and minority is white/asian]
Which, I honestly don't think they'd be saying that shit if they really believed it.
I went to a school outside of my district in 7th, 8th, and 9th.
Let me explain my district [Hayward] to the other district [Castro Valley]
Hayward is a really big city though it doesn't seem like it, and the majority is black and hispanic. "Hella ghetto". I was born and raised in Hayward.
Castro Valley isn't even a town/city. They use the Alameda County PD it's so small. Also founded by the KKK. Suburbia up the ass, almost like a mini country [a bunch of kids dressed up as cowboys, chewed tobacco and bragged about horses] majority is white and asian. "Hella preppy". In middle school, I wore NO colour [now I don't care about what I wear]. All black, trench coat, boots, dark as fuck make up, dark/dyed hair. If you saw me back then, you might've thought "emo", right? [I regret that little stage of mine, but hey, we all go threw it]
Well one day I was apparently sitting somewhere I couldn't sit during lunch [I think where they couldn't watch me] and the Principal, one of the Security Guards and my councillor walk up, take my long ass chain [never got it back, still to this day] and told me I was doing drugs. I always smelled like cigarettes, but they shouldn't be able to assume I was doing drugs. The principal got real close to my face and threatened, or "warned", me about them bringing drug dogs to the school and making me take a test the next day [which they didn't. Fucking dick]. I had to deal with that school district completely against me, always assuming things about me, for 3 years. Absolutely terrible. And it didn't really help that I got my 'hawk freshman year [still in CV] While I was attending school in that district, friends of my twins were afraid of me but I actually had a large number or "preppy" friends and I didn't care. They were nice [back then at least] and that's all that matters!
Another thing that irritates me is that when people [even friends from Kindergarten that I still know] see me reading, or really getting into something that requires the least bit of intelligence, they say "OMG you read?!" or if I did well on a quiz/test they'd get shocked. I'm actually more intelligent and intellectual than most of the people that get shocked.
Sorry for the long post D:
the hat I was wearing wasn't mine.
Comment by Hashmallim on February 22, 2010 at 10:45am
Ha I have a crazy ex girlfirend to who sounds just like that actualy I cut my hawk 2 weeks b4 we broke up.... well in about a month im shaving my sides and deading fukin shit head turd dreads fuck yea!
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