Mohawks Rock

1. "Is this bottomless pit a friend of yours?" Pocahontas - Samantha Davis

2. "Rule number three, I can't bring people back from the dead. It's not a pretty picture. I don't like doing it!" Aladdin - Amy

3. "All right, you little brat. Now, you are gonna go down in that hole, and you are gonna dig till you find me the diamond. You understand that? And no sassing me." The Rescuers - Amy

4. "A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat." Mulan - Morris

5. "Oh, well. What's a royal ball? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and-and-and boring, and-and completely... Completely wonderful." Cinderella - Val

6. "Yes... I spilled a bottle. The carpet was soaked and it forever smelled of peppermint - like you. I used to lie on that rug and oh how I missed you while you were away..." Anastasia - gaby molina

7. "Darlin, forever is a long, long time, and time has a way of changing things." The Fox and The Hound - Samantha Davis

8. "Aha, Dawson! We've found it at last. Ratigan's secret lair. And it's filthier than I imagined." The Great Mouse Detective - Amy

9. "I don't have time for long goodbyes, but here's something to remember me by, baby."

10. "You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people. You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help!" The Hunchback of Notre Dame - herbderb

This one has a fun theme! Probably obvious after the first two or three get answered.

Views: 139

Replies to This Discussion

3. Holes ?

10. Hunchback of Notre Dame
Hunchback yes, holes no.

3- the rescuers, 8- the great mouse detective
2- aladdin
yes X 3.

Stupid snow storm and wind speeds and gusts up to 60 mph. =[
Yesss =]

and ironically, it's one of my least favorite out of all the princess movies. but very memorable.
I think she is much like us ladies of the hawk in some backwards sense.
Guess it's kind of like we are seen for who we really are with the mohawks (and similar styles) instead of being glossed over and grouped with every single other girl in the world. We are in fact princesses ;-) haha. And just that much cooler!

I love the lion king and dalmations! hehe my little sister is getting into all of my old movies and she is in utter disbelief that some of the movies are older than my mom and I.
My favorite of all time...cannot be named until it is guessed. haha
4. Mulan.

My sisters and mum would watch that movie every few days for about a year after they bought it on video.
is 7 toy story 2?

1 Kung fu Panda?
No on both counts. =[
6. anastasia!
i cannot put my finger on 1 and 7 but i know em.
specially 7, it's gonna drive me nuts.
for 1 i'm gonna say lion king but i doubt it's right.


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