Mohawks Rock

Lets share links nd other information on styles of what some call "vandalism" but i call expression

I'm not exactly overflowing with knowledge on this subject so i would appreciate others helping out, much appreciated

How To

A good site for all things anarchist, almost all anyway, they also have stickers, posters, and many good ideas for graffiti, including a neat how to graffiti guide

A HOW TO GRAFFITI GUIDE! So wannabes and beginners like myself have more assistance!

A series of do it yourself zines, this one has a wheat pasting article as well, page 3


Heres a good place for supplies, paint, markers, ink, streakers, the works


How to make D.I.Y. krink (graffiti marker paint)

Here's some (seemingly) coked out guy very hyperly explaining how to make mop and krink

And another one on making a mop

Heres one with making ink outta spray paint, making a mop too

Spray paint in a  tag can

there's also an anarchist cookbook called recipes for disaster, as long as the goverment's laws on piracy, explosives and crime don't get too much more strict, it should still be there for time to come

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you know how to keep wheat paste from going bad?
that i do not, but i would think the rot factor is due do teh moisture in with a grain product, perhapse some sort of preservative is in order? salt is a possibility? sugar is but sugar doesnt preserve as well as salt, also keep it refridgerated, cold-(ness) slows just about any prosses, it also makes things sepperate a bit though, so as one could expect my good droog, ye'll have to shake it a good bit after a nice night in the cold maker
just ideas though, i've never had it reach a rotting point or anything though, usually use it all
ok cool, im gonna try that out. i used sugar the first time an no frig. man that shit was kickn after the second day. one of my friends said to refrig it too but like heat it up again to loosen it up. i dont know if that will work but ill try it when i try to paste again.
Here's one,


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