Mohawks Rock

  • Online or in the same room?
  • Solo or team?
  • Are you a jumper?
  • Enjoy a bit of camping?
  • Explore everything and the sink?
  • Use emotes to wave, dance and point?
  • Chat or spam?
  • Walk around NPC's and people to avoid bumping into them?
  • Go straight, no turns (anything in the way is fried!)?

Or what else do you like doing in multiplayer games? =)

Views: 33

Replies to This Discussion

Any computer stuff is online, usually distanced and run through a server like Hamachi (Hamachi running as a back ground program allowed me to get my computer recovered because I could track the IP every time they opened the laptop.  Beautiful program.)

Everyone has a particular playing style, I'm an upfront battle with a hail of gunfire, slashing, or face bashing person which leads to personal feuds with the friend who always camps.  On internet servers, generally don't mess around unless an opportunity for something great arises i.e. when everyone lines up to pick teams, in one place, on a particular World War I source server, calling in an air strike and just killing everyone.  At once.  And then getting subsequently banned.


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