haha Oregon's pretty wierd... I'm in NV now so I'm sure that strippers and prostitutes, well college sluts here in Reno too, are mainly who buy shit like that. Yay for legal hookers! Not...
@ Serrated: Really? I worked there(bleh...) and most the ppl buying anything worth being a stripper in were bought by milf's, husbands, and underage teens. Ha maybe it was cuz it was Salem, OR...
@ 6diarrhea6throwup6: Silk is the strongest fabric tho. It used to be wrapped around wrists when people sabre duel... That shit's scary.
Bam Margera's tight. HIM is fuckin gay and his brother's band is gay. That's all I'm saying. I fuckin LOVE Don Vito. Ever listen to Poison Idea?? The first time I seen em, I thought it was a joke cuz the singer looks like fuckin Don Vito. But those motherfuckers are as Hardcore as a toilet paper steamroller.
I seen some little fag at 7/11 that had a BFMV shirt who no doubt had ANY fuckin idea that it's even a band.
v OH CRAP forgot about that shit. And FUCK "HIM" like that's fuckin something cool cuz of fuckin Bam Margera. now that I mention it, Cky is really fucking gay
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