Mohawks Rock

So, we were all kids once (and some of us will always be hehe).

What was the silliest aspiration you had when you were younger?
or anything offbeat that most little kids would ever think of.. haha

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Three words Indiana-Fuckin'-Jones!!! Harrison Ford made history exciting not to mention all the crazy pwnage he singlehandedly dealt the Nazis! In short I wanted to be an archeologist.
that's awesome
I wanted to be a vampire so bad. I almost cried myself to sleep praying i'd be a vampire the next day XD
i wantd 2 b a werewolf
heh I want(ed?) to be both at times. My friends used to call me wolf at school 'cause of the beard. =)
i wanted 2 b an architect/technician/carpenter ONLY so i can build my own very custom house
I remember in grade 4 we had to draw a picture of what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our teacher told us not to draw the head though because he was going to cut out our real pictures from the yearbook and glue the heads of those on our drawings. anyways, i wanted to be a hippy. so thats what i drew. ^___^

i also wanted to be a vet. i still do, but i'm just about to graduate from college as a Social Service Worker.

oh, and a race car driver :D
i would still looooove to do that.
I wanted to be a politician or a lwyer. I have a very logical mind, and realized that since neither is logical, I went into the scientific fields...
a police officer , what was I thinking lol
quick someone give me a slap :)
I don't remember having an aspiration...mmm...I always liked the idea of being a Knight I guess...or a robot. XD
I'm still a kid, when i grow up i wanna be a steam shovel!
bahaha, the inanimate object ones are the best!


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