Mohawks Rock

I got my first mohawk in 1984! It stemmed from the British movement and and the LA movement aswell. If you had a hawk, you were punk and that was that. I see alot of hawks showing up in my hometown in Iowa and I can only guess that I can name 10 bands that not one person would know who I was talking about. Is it a fad where you live also? I guess for me it has a punk rock meaning but all in all I still enjoy those who sport them and the creativeness I see on this site. Anarchy and chaos. Derock

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i personaly think its less punk now and more of a misfit (not the band) thing. like heavy metal and a lil emoness... but i am staring to see a few non-misfit hawks and i realy dont like it... BUT in contrast it is just a hair style and punks realy cant make them stop.. its not realy ours.. it ORIGINALY originated from a certan tribe of native americans. but we ARE the ones who made it look GOOOOD!
really? i see more gangters... ... ugh gangsters... so not what they use to be...
For me it was actually based on a native amaerican thing when i was 16 all thoes years ago... i still shave my head everyday.
it wasn't about following any kind of fashion, or tyring hard to not fit was just i'm going to do this because i can.

A punk friend of mine once said to me that 'punk was a way of life which means not conforming to established ideas' to which he pointed out that in that respect i was the most punk person he knew because i didnt listen to punk rock music or follow the trend whatso ever.

what i notcied about your post is you are angry because people want to live their lives in a certain way and you feel its wrong... i wonder back in 1984 how many people thought you were wrong because you followed a style.... 'its badass' is a style just as much as it is 'it's stylish'
i think of an irony with that the person that had the most media covarge in the 80's with a mohawk would have been that spot welding mechceranry MR.T ....

from this side of the pond in the u.k for a long time people didnt have mohawks, even when i was young in the 1980 i cant remeber seeing many, but i knew they were out there.

a coulpe of years after getting one it was a large fashion ... so people compared me to lots of famous people, shuch as keith flint from the prodegy, and david beckham the footballer. to mention to but a few, all of which makes me cringe.

at the end of the day, i dress and act in a way that i feel comfortable, i dont go out of my way to cause harm or offense to anyone, so if that is caused then thats an issue with the person that is offended.
go out be the best person you can be....and who gives a fuck what others do if they are not causing you harm!!
i agree almost 100% i dont realy care if people are geting a mohawk but at the same time i realy dont like it.. i wont make them stop but i wouldnt mind if they did


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