Mohawks Rock

For those of you who are interested in doing video projects.

First thing I will contribute is a short film somebody contacted one of my sound pages with. It is a 6 or so minute short about some kids surviving in a post world war 3 world. It is tragic in a way but something very beautiful and hopeful in it as well I find.

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Here are some more thigns I have done or been involved with.

This was written by me with help from my friend. It is largely based on things that happened to me when I was really mentally ill. I was agoraphobic and never left the house, I felt dehumanized by the amount of pills I took everyday, I heard voices and a lot of other intense shit. So I took those experiences and crafted the character around that and we made it a weird psych piece that is influenced by movies like Pi. It is the longest thing we have done to date at about 14 minutes so its in two parts on you tube. Though it is sloppy and looks like shit a lot because we have no good gear, we like it and a lot of work went into it, especially in the audio area. All the sound effects were later dubbed in, the soundtrack was recorded by myself.

Part 1

Part 2

The Abominable Dr. Torture
Created by my friend Tim, I helped shoot it and played the torture victim as well as helped with the gore. This is a short scene of torture and blood. Done in one night. We were working on a sequel that would have been longer and more elaborate.

Arbitrary madness and complete random insanity. This was done only to test some new shit we were doing and using and decided to make the most off the wall thing we could that would make no cohesive sense. So get ready for a guy in a Bill Clinton mask, blood, boom poles in frame, a lot of me talking about Chuggo, and us being really dumb and having a lot of fun.

Gun Safety
An attempt at comedy featuring two jackasses playing with a gun and the results of said action. I find it quite funny as do most others. Hope you laugh at least once.


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