Mohawks Rock

Ok, I'll get this discussion started up with a poem I got published long ago. Funny how with everything "green" now it makes a little more sense than it did in '93.

Do the Trees Cry?

Do the trees cry
Out to the human race,
To stop our madness
To stop out waste

For dew gathers
Upon a lone leaf
To fall to the ground
There in grief

A tear has been shed
A tree has bled
And there on the ground
Another is dead.

Do the trees cry
As the blade penetrates their skin
Do they let out the pain
Or retain it within

Do they look up
Into their killers eyes
To give them forgiveness
With one last breath; before it dies.

These gentle giants
Have shown us nothing but love
Withstanding the heat
To give us shade from above

Yet, we take their lives
Like mindless mindless theives
Chop them down
And burn their leaves

Do the trees cry
Do the trees cry
And if they do
I ask you why
Why do we let them cry.


Views: 78

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I highly enjoyed this piece. I especially liked this part:

"These gentle giants
Have shown us nothing but love
Withstanding the heat
To give us shade from above"

It is a bit strange maybe...I love nature and respect it very much and am very supportive of things like the ELF but myself have never written about nature in this regard...I always write beauty poems or pieces about things like decayed buildings, power lines or electrical stations or trains....

thanks for the contribution =)
Perhaps not "poetry" but writing anyway, here are some lyrics from my Black Bloc project.

Dot exe
Seeking obedience, seeking control
Enforcing copyrights to stop the flow
Of consumers power to make a better choice
Through file sharing we finally have a voice
A way to weed out the insincere shit
Thats putting our world into a cultural pit
But now we can hold these artists responsible
Call them out and question their hearts and principles
Take out the profit and how many will disappear?
We will only find out if we battle the fear
That the exploiters on a daily basis produce
To let the RI and MPAA endorse federal use
Allowing the CIA and FBI to tighten the noose
That corporations hold on every single one of us
By playing the moral card to keep repression just
Reciting the bible, quoting Thou Shall Not Steal
It keeps consumers buying and paying for the meals
Of generic artists that resort and rely
On price inflation for the bullshit their fans buy
So much demand to match the supply
No fucking reason for prices so high
When your shirts are produced by third world labor
Who get no profits from your selfish behavior
And you whore yourself like a hooker turns tricks
To disenfranchised youth that just need a fix
Because society is broken and we all need a way
But to escape this fucked up shit we're forced to pay
More and more every single day
To double faced assholes who don't care what we say
Profit over people thats the American way
Where precious time is bought every moment everyday
Work to consume and just play along
Gladly pay fifty dollars just to sing along
To the lyrics of your “favorite bands” song
Who will smile at you and give you empty thanks
To ensure that your money ends up in their banks
These are the criminals and they're protected by law
Now their facades are cracking and soon they will fall
And we'll be left with more sincere creations
From so many people with no divine inspiration
For what we create it comes from experience
Trying to battle back a crippling indifference
Thats taken over so many lives
These modern day pirates allow anarchy to survive
Surfing the net rather than sailing the seas
Turning the tide to bring the wealthy to their knees
Executing their policies to give them their lives
Which they cannot yet see through their gluttonous eyes
This is the new front in the real modern war
That fights corporate tyranny and lives that are such a bore
So few know whats at stake, but all know whats in store
The empires will collapse and we'll begin to restore
The nurturing relations between artist and muse
And the mutually beneficial effects of gift economy
That is the sworn enemy of the capitalist monopoly
You tried so hard but here we still stand
Who's asking who for the helping hand?
We may be beaten but at least we're not broke
In all the ways that make you a sick fucking joke
For all the shit you put us through
And all the shit we have to take
Maybe when your down you will realize
We live the changes we seek to make

Direct Action
Being yourself is a war on the status quo
Advertising tells us how we should look and what we should own
Brainwashing corporate media manufacturing clones
Dumbed down simple entertainment to keep us passive
Direct Action
Against the corporate faction
Defeat only comes as a result of inaction
Who we are should be our choice
And not the moldings of anothers voice
Or demeanor
Or intentions
Fighting back to reclaim our minds
Don't believe in the idea of thought crime
The only crimes to fight are the ones we commit
To ourselves and to each other over this capitalist shit
Greed driving us to fit into place
Buying in to the chaotic rat race
To the bottom they go for third world labor
It's time they're held accountable for corporate misbehavior
And their exploitation to push profits higher
Which leaves these countries in a civil quagmire
When they can't consume
And they can't compete
Because prices are so fucked that they can't even eat
Many lose cultural face and hang their heads in defeat
Now it's time to take a stand
Stand in solidarity with those in raped lands
Time to cut the ligatures that are securing our hands
So much to do but do we have enough time?
Before we bring about our demise
Go ahead and really think quick
Before you become so greedy and so sick
We can't afford any more casualties
People being lost to social cavities
Racism, sexism, chauvinism, alcohol, and drugs
These complex things which produce more thugs
On both sides of the line
Now we're headed for war
Not against the oppressor but each other
What for?
I can't relate to that line of thinking
In a time of crisis while tolerance is shrinking
Take care of each other
And nurture love and hope
Please don't be apathetic
Because it's a cop out and so damn pathetic
I still believe that it's never too late
To lead humanity to a much brighter fate
To a world without hate
To a world without terror
To a world without violence
To a world that is worth fighting for!

(A) Is For Lovers
Right now, this very moment
Every single one of us is being victimized
While we stare into each others eyes
And blindly fuck each other
We put on facades of compassion
Surround ourselves with any narcotic we can find
Televisions, radios, movies, all custom made to keep us numb
And instill hopeless apathy that is the status quo
So many faces and so few friends
So few emotions when there should be so much dissent
Against a massive enemy
They even include you and me
Too many tuned out or refusing to see
So many believe n this so called quality of life
Say it could be worse living in third world strife
But wealth is a ghetto and I ask what have we got?
The starving, the poor, the homeless who get shot
by weapon carrying thugs inspired by the need
To have more wealth set forth by corporate greed
the slave is the master in more ways than one
Anyone will suck cock at the end of a gun
While we're beaten and battered the still have not won
For I know in my heart that I still remain true
To a revolutionary cause for a better world
If you haven't caught on yet the power is ours
Lets us take back our streets
let us destroy every mall
We can have our own labor
And smash through every wall
that keeps us in gutters while their profits soar
Investing in advertisements that keep us wanting more
We will climb that ladder and find no end
What good is all of your currency when there is no one to spend?
Fuck off with your traditions, just pay me with respect
Keep your precious dollars to buy a life you will regret
We are here when you need us
And we're not hard to find
Just know anarchy is for lovers
And a better mankind

Look into the eyes of the tragedies
The junkies, the homeless, the teenage prostitues
What would you say to them?
What could you say to them?
Rhetoric is empty in the face of reality
The catch phrase of the new era
Is a horrible paradox that the ones spewing it refuse to see
While our leaders proclaim that "freedom is not free"
To their wealthy lap dogs who need a "safety net" of leadership
But with each of "Lady Liberty's" bombs that fall
So too does another person starve in our own country
So too is another raped
So too is another locked away
So too is another made to feel like nothing...
We are everything though, despite what you hear
We build these bombs
We enslave people in schools, prisons, and jobs
And we believe we are free because of elections
And we believe our choices are ours
But sadly most are not
We "choose" to go to shopping centers
We "choose" to sit idle on a computer
We "choose" to be in school
We "choose" our jobs
We "choose" to be an addict
We "choose" to be whores
We "choose" which is wrong or right
Because we feel there is no other choice
Success or failure?
The success they sell us IS failure
We are all accessories to the control mechanisms
Until we, as individuals refuse it
Fear is sold to us in all shapes and sizes and colors
To keep us passive and pessimistic
Don't visit this area because its the ghetto
Don't be seen with that person because they are filthy
Don't shop there because then you are not "in"
Conform to these searches or else your a terrorist
Resistance has become criminalized
Call the ALF and ELF terrorists and pair them with Al-Qaida
What about the National Socialist Movement?
Or the Aryan Nations?
How is it that those who promote the terrorism
Are not subjected to these same terms?
We promote love and harmony
Nothing more
Nothing less
But with every stone comes another club
Another victim
Another gassing
Another arrest and another jail sentence
This is what we choose.
And we know, unlike those glued to televisions
That freedom is not free
And it must be fought for and won within ourselves
It happens everyday though we may never see it
Somewhere there is a youth runaway scouring dumpsters
Somewhere there is an immigrant living in an abandoned wharehouse
Somewhere there is a group forming their plan of attack
Somewhere there is an urban guerilla tagging the city walls
Somewhere there is somebody falling in love
Our love though is a special one and it is undying
It is total and undying
And it is with this love we must approach our dearest friends
And our most brutal enemies
For they too are broken and scared
The only difference between "us" and "them"
Is "they" have become a bit numb
But "they" just like "us" are being exploited
Maybe it is time to shift this war
Or open new fronts
What do we accomplish in our cliques?
Preaching anarchy to anarchists and rarely to others
Save for direct actions which go misunderstood
And exploited and manipulated for the empires gain
They see chaos and violence and not the root
It is time to dig up and expose these roots
At exactly the same time we chop at them
There is no "wrong" way for pure freedom and autonomy
And it is only elitist empire lap dogs who believe otherwise
Until we can accept the responsibility of harmony
The only thing crumbling before us
Will be our loves, friends, hopes, and lives
Death Dealer

Dry mouth, heart rate quickens
Single thought, tension thickens
Into view, getting nearer
Victim comes, face is clearer
Deep breath, move in closer
Lights out, fallen loser
Dark alley, path to freedom
Mark retired, remittance welcomed
Fade away, hide in sight
Rested day, toil through night

I often wonder why it was he left me
I try to remember but his face I can’t see
No distant memory in the back of my mind
No reason or logic am I able to find

The other kids at school had fathers but me
Not one single fathers day gift did he see
No father son talks no fairground rides
All trace of him gone except torment and lies

All of those things that you should of taught me
I learned for myself I learned to be me
Where were you when I learned to walk
& where were you when learned to talk

The things I am proud of you cannot see
All that I’ve become has been all through me
No guidance or approval will I ever get
No love of a father I have never met
This is a sad one...sorry that you had to face that...something nobody should have to.
I have lost the will to live
I can’t forget I can’t forgive

I’m alone it’s plain to see
It can’t be them it must be me

I don’t connect , don’t feel the same
I stand alone and feel the pain

My tortured mind is letting go
I feel it break it kill’s my soul

My eyes are dead they see no light
My soul is black as black as night

I’ll kill myself and kill the pain
Nothing now will be the same

It’s time for me to say goodbye
No one will come no one will cry

The noose is tight the rope is high
I kick the chair and gasp goodbye
Valentines Day
Even through the best of days
This heart of mine aches always
It’s never full it craves for purpose
It slowly bleeds beneath the surface

This unholy day is drawing near
Reminding us few the things we fear
A reminder still that we are alone
A reminder for some we have no home

We see you happy we hear your praise
It hurts us few this Valentines Day
No cards no gifts do we few get
We don’t exist and you soon forget

One day soon your cards won’t come
Soon to be outcast soon to be one
Your heart will ache on the warmest of days
Your now one of the few always

Alone she sits with head in hands
Alone with all her worldly plans
Alone in a crowd she hides her tears
Alone she will die her greatest of fears
Alone at her work no friends at her side
Alone with her thoughts her feelings she hides
Alone for all time as time marches on
Alone she will sing her loneliest song
Alone does she sit afraid to be heard
Alone will she live without even a word
Alone she will die and no one will know
Alone was her choice her esteem it was low
Alone she keeps watch always on guard
Alone without love her life is so hard
Alone now as she takes her last breath
Alone as she wished Alone in her death
Stone Cold Heart

My head it spins the ground it shakes
This has to be my worst mistake
To find a love as bright as day
Then turn my head and walk away
So am I selfish or insane
Or is my foolish pride to blame
I’ll show the world my stone cold heart
And tell them all I can’t be hurt
Ice cold blood runs through my veins
Yet still I know the taste of pain
I thought my walls were there to stay
But one by one you tore away
Too many now I see were there
Through selfish pride I did not care
So up they go built nice and high
At least this time no one will try
I have no heart no sole to take
I cannot love so I’ll learn to hate
Alone I am alone I’ll stay
A loner now I’ll start today
Depression comes with a blink of an eye
The sorrow builds but you don’t know why

Your sole it aches right down to the core
It hurts so bad you can’t take any more

Your friends try to help but they don’t understand
This grip that it has like deaths cold hand

There’s no way out at least none you can see
You need your salvation to set yourself free

It comes in the form of a little ray of hope
It shines from within and helps you to cope

You get stronger each day as that hope really shines
The warmth in your heart your sole and your mind

The tears they still come when your alone in your room
I reminder still it will return again soon
You feel that pull that irresistible urge
It comes from within you need to purge,

You know your fat you see it clear
You hide the truth through blinding fear,

They have not guessed they do not know
The lengths to which you will go,

The secret snacks the midnight binge
Enough to make your parents cringe,

A size six body with a size twelve brain
You struggle with emotions you try in vain,

You waste away your fading fast
You can’t go on you just can’t last,

You emancipated waif you’re crippled with pain
You no longer eat you have tubes in your veins,

Your family looks on as you take your last breath
No suffering now your indignant death.
Here is a piece/lyrics for an album from another project of mien that I did last year. It is more personal rather than taking on society.

Romance In Tragedy

Burning so deep inside of me
Slicing, ripping
Singing the saddest song
And stealing from me my sleep
How many times I’ve watched
The nights surrender to the day
How many tears I’ve shed to failure
A lake I am sure
Compared to those shed for joy

Indiscretion drove you to this loveless state
Your passion, your love has faded to black
A walking coma you feel no adoration
For this I will never be sorry enough
I want to punish myself the only way I know how
But seeing you is a punishment I can’t handle
Knowing what I’ve done
What I’ve lost
Only a fool could do such a thing

To have you once more
Is a treasure I would die for
To feel your delicate touch
To gaze into those fragile eyes
To inhale your aromatic scent
My senses yearn for your arousal
To taste your love
My mind drinks you deep
Flow into me
Flow through me
Take my heart for it’s all I have to give

So much have I learned
Never to repeat my mistakes
You have left me empty, cold and delusional

False hopes and dreams are all I cling to
That one day you shall return
And our flames will rise again
Higher than ever before
We would embrace
Our loves would connect once more
A lustful passion
Your lips on mine
We could love away the night
And finish in each others arms
Lying on a dew soaked morning grass
To watch the twilight give birth to the sun
A joy I shall not again know
But I will lie in wait forever
As you once did for me

Even if you never find your way back to me
I will die with love in my heart
And the memories of your beauty
I know how much they hurt
But I know that to give them up
Would be to turn my back
On you, on myself, and all we once had
These ten years too few
These ten years I can never have again


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