Mohawks Rock

I always love hearing what others are doing so if you are actively writing music of any form, post links for us to check it out.

For any interested, I will post my many various projects. None of which is anything you would expect a "punk guy" to listen to or create but for those willing to step outside the rules and check out some new stuff, here ya go.

Black Bloc - anarchist power electronics/harsh noise/anti-music. Largely use no instruments save for a keyboard/piano tone loop here and there but instead create walls of distortion and static from grinding metals, captured sounds, effects pedals, and whatever else I find.

Dead Streets At Dawn - Evolved out of another project and started out mixing walls of noise with segments of ambient and drone. Starting with the 4th album it went completely ambient/drone/shoegaze and uses no harsh noise walls.

DeConstructive Screwdriver Criticism - My very first experimental project which spawned the two previously mentioned. Thsi started as just random chaos, evolved to harsh noise, into epic post rock inspired noise/ambient, and now settles at just dark ambient with some white noise/am radio.

Romance In Tragedy - My very first venture into creating music. Neo classical/goth stuff.

There ya lets hear what you have going on!

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Hey man, checked out your music, I like black bloc, dead streets at dawn, and romance in tradedgy the most, Have you heard of circuit bending? It seems like something you could incorporate into your power electronics/harsh noise/anti-music, its basically getting a toy.. or anything with a chip that makes noise, and fucking up the circuit so it makes twisted noises, if you havent seen it, you should look it up on youtube..
very familiar with circuit bending =) Most recent show I played back in of the performers...Vyl8, she uses only things she circuit bent.

One of my effects pedals was a custom built (not by me) effect based on bending. It is made by a collective called Commonsound in St Louis and have other branches like 4ms pedals. The pedal is really fucking crazy and gets heavy use in Black creates some brilliant distortion tones that sound like things sizzling...I love it.

They have a bunch of other pedals as well and you can build your own as they have the schematics online for free but I am really incompetent with electronics when it comes to circuits and shit. I am gonna start building my own contact mics soon and see how that goes and maybe when I get more time and money I will invest in trying to learn bending things.

It would be a fun hobby for sure but ultimately, I do not know how much use I would get from many bent things either in recording or live atmospheres. Though Black Bloc is quite chaotic in a way, I keep it structured in the sense that I try to keep all the sounds "in tun" and not just random for randoms-sake...I THINK I succeed most of the time haha...occasionally my bent pedal does something nuts seeing as it cannot be controlled really and each of the 11 or so knobs is highly affected by all the others.

Anyway, thanks a lot for checking them out =)
Yeah man I enjoyed, although im not really into that genre, I can listne to most music and find something I like.. I dont got anything to record, but next time I go downtown i'll get a cheap mic, and record some of the songs i've been righting, just to give you an idea.. Been righting ska songs, starting a band with some buddies sometime this month, our drumset is coming, should be tight..
Yeah I hear ya. I try to not dismiss entire genres anymore and get a bit frustrated with a lot of younger people (and old as well =p) who are like I only listen to a certain type of music and everything sucks. Or people who will say punk sucks or hip hop sucks and not have a solid foundation for their beliefs on it.

I really believe in respecting those who create things in any style and even if I don't like certain bands or whatever, I appreciate the fact that at least they are doing something. Like for death metal bands...I am not into much fast music besides punk and my metal taste is almost exclusive to doom metal...but I can appreciate the ability some of those musicians have to play like that even though I think it might at times be an ego trip =)

This idea is nto as compliant with a lot of the radio/mainstream bands who have in my opinion erased the line between being creative to help yourself and others spiritually or mentally rather than financially. I think a lot of them are driven by profit and not by connecting with people and I think that shows when bands do not tour a lot or when they do they make themselves distant from their fans. They then bitch about piracy and whine about sales and I really think that shows where their motives really lie.

Of course still, I feel there are, or have been some decent songs on the radio. more so when I was growing up than compared to now in my opinion but I think maybe unless somebody has working knowledge of musicianship and song writing, they do not understand why songs are good or bad. maybe?


I used to do it with rap and say rap sucks because I do not agree with the whole bling, gangsta, smack yo bitch up shit. Then I found out that socially aware hip hop does still exist. I have since gotten very into Dead Prez. They are very sharp, actually involved with activism, and do nto promote all the typical shit you hear in most hip hop. Very reminiscent of Public Enemy.

so yeah, to make the short point, I agree with you. May not like an entire genre to the point of being a fan, but there are always hidden classics and gems for those who search.

And yeah definitely record some stuff! When you say ska do you mean more like, straight up ska or mixing ska and punk ala Suicide Machines or the C-Squat bands? I get into a bit of the crossover stuff as there is a lot of that happening in my area currently. Almost every punk band in Buffalo mixes in ska. Not a bad thing but I have always wanted to do something mroe militant and direct actino based and make it very hard hitting. Some of my biggest influences were and are Crass and Aus-Rotten and how they named names and never backed down. I really wanna get a punk band started sometime with that kind of unflinching stand your ground attitude that is not afraid to call the bullshit going on. A lack of that in my area right now

Also a lack of punks/anarchists in my town to make such a band possible =p

anyway, good luck man and let me know when you get some shit posted. Will certainly give a listen
Yeah, theres definatly my preferred music to listen to, but almost any genre I can find something i'll like... Always see people say country sucks, and well i'll agree that most is boring, but I do enjoy angry johny and the kill billlies, they play bloodgrass, good shit, not to mention angry johnys art is awsome..

.. and the songs im writing, definatly have a ska-core feel, upbeat ska rhythems with distorted fast guitar .. got into ska, by jamming lots of choking victim, and op ivy so my songs will be influenced by them, cause thats how i learnt how to playska, but I try not to steal anything from there songs, and sing in my own voice and yeah music should be for the people, not fiancially, thats why me and my friends are starting a band, just to make good music just smoked a bowl, ramblin ... shit goes down.

I'll find you a link to angry johnys gallery, and get a mic next time i go downtown, could get one at the doller store..
off topic but if you got the time, you should check out angry johhnys gallery, I got one of his paintings in my room, i'll upload a picture sometime
Checked out that Angry Johnny stuff, very cool stuff, hadn't heard of him before.
This is an update I posted from my myspace. It has links to folders of current downloads form every one of my projects. It is a huge task to get everything up but it is getting there. Much added but much to go, mainly with DSC.

I have been putting my entire discography up over the past few weeks which spans a lot of material spread through 4 different projects. The newest album up is the third, self titled album from Romance In Tragedy. This one was done in spring 2007 and is one 31 minute song. Download a .rar archive with the full mp3, lyrics, and covers at this link:"">

Romance In Tragedy was my first ever project where I wrote music and performed it. It draws influence from doom metal, gothic music, ambient music, and neo-classical as well. Pianos and strings are the core with vocals as well. Melodic and mournful.

DeConstructive Screwdriver Criticism was my first experimental project that spawned the other two years later. It now creates dark ambient drone noise. The folder does not have everything up yet but most of the stuff from past 3 years which are more representative of the current sound.

Link to folder with available tracks and albums:

Dead Streets At Dawn started form ideas born in DSC. Fusing a growing influence from post rock and ambient, the project first created really long songs that went from wall noise to drone ambient and then progressed to just drone and ambient. All five albums are just one long song each with many different parts.

Link to folder with all songs:

Black Bloc started in spring 2007 to play a combination of power electronics, harsh noise, and combine with other elements such as sound collages, ambient and post rock with a hardcore punk approach. The project is vehemently anarchist and promotes the ideas of it and lives it to the extent possible by myself. Many albums and live shows archived to download. Never repeating lyrics or collages or anything. This is by no means "music" so if you download expect low end rumbling walls of static, scraping metal, and pissed off vocals.

Link to folder with every recorded release and every live show thus far:

Download as much as you wish to and feel encouraged to spread to anybody and/or lend feedback of any type (as long as it is constructive and not just belligerent)



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