Mohawks Rock

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i heard about this. i don't like it!
Super heros should never ever have to fit under the description "Kid friendly"
NO! What's going to happen to the VIOLENCE!
Venom sure isn't kid friendly neither is the Punisher....this sucks
my friend told me about this today.
they can't do this.
what's gonna happen to marvel?
it can't be kid friendly.
well no more than it is already.
i hope they don't ruin it.
cross ur fingers and hope for the best.
I'm going to miss Deadpool most of all...

we shall miss him plenty.
lol that is hilarious by the way.
lets just hope all they do is take marvels money and fund it's projects and just leave it as is.
no meddling no change no nothing.
that all they deal with is the money.
cuz if that's how they do it, this could work out nicely.
if and only if they don't meddle.
Well if you think about it, Disney owns a lot of things so I don't think they are going to ruin Marvel. If anything if they make animated films those are probably going to be more family oriented. But I doubt that they will have to tone down marvel. I mean its right in the middle of Dark Reign saga. Comics have always been more geared toward young adult to adult age group anyway.
well Disney isn't the only ones buying someone.
Nickelodeon bought the ninja turtles.
i wonder if any other comics are gonna sell too.
God...this pisses me off so much I can't even stand it...that very picture makes my skin crawl...SOMEONE PUT AN END TO THIS MADNESS!!!! KILL THE MOUSE BEFORE HE TAKES OVER THE WORLD AND IT'S TOO LATE!!!


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