Permalink Reply by gaby on April 19, 2009 at 12:09pm
i dunno much about deadpool but he seams awesome. i know he's an assassin and immortal, oh and that he's a smart ass. my government and economics teacher loves him.
he did good. i didn't like that they gave him powers in origins, like the teleportation and optic blast. or that they shut him up and controled him like they did. he was way cool tough. and i liked when they cut his head of and it spun with the lazer destroying everything. that looked cool. i wonder how far the lazer blast thing actually goes. i kept wanting them to zoom out so i could see lol
omg yea they tottaly fucked Gambit up. that was what pissed me of the most about the movie. Gambit is to fucking awesome for them to have ruined that way.
I've always wanted to read Deadpool because he actually sounds really hench, but I ent got any good shops near me that sell his comics. What does he feature in in the UK now?
i read deadpool merc with a mouth a bit back, and i gotta say it was a fun ride. i love the guy i think his may be some of my favorite comics. always a riot with him. i also read a few of deadpool team-ups, and those were alright. not great but alright. i've been wanting to get more but with my local comic shop closed it's just been hard finding stuff and i don't really trust the mail all that much.