I went to a concert recently, and I was like the only punk person there, so all of theses fuckin emo, scene, nerdy ass kids were tryin to touch my hair and like 3 of them took a pictue of me, I beat the sit out of them in the mosh pit :P
holy crap... drives me crazy!!!
but when kids ask i don't mind at all, i work in the beauty industry and when i get a little boy who has a hawk they are just amazed that girls can have them too! lol
but i get chads all the time asking "so like can i touch your hair?"
and i just answer back "so like can i punch you in the face?"... yeash.
People used to ask to touch my hair all the time and I'd ask if I could touch something on them I thought looked interesting. More times than not people would agree. I don't understand why people want to touch mohawks.
Whenever people would grab without asking they'd get an ear full from me or a smack to the face. Depending on the person.
haha yeah. snowflake, the picture issue is becoming a weekly ordeal, of course i live in the busiest part of my city but i tmake me kinda mad when im shooting some photos and stupid kids decide to play photographer without asking. i was about ready to punch this guy because he refused to stop taking my picture.
Comment by Luke Cipolle on April 18, 2010 at 10:04pm
@Snowflake: One time when I was biking with a fan, the wind almost knocked me over. Awesome hair is risky shit.
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