maybe ye've heard of the church of the flying speggetti monster. the chosen people are pirates, and thats why i "converted" to pastafrianism. its more a political view than a religion, and concentrates more on teaching all theories of creation in schools, inteligent design, evolution, and uninteligent design, and also somewhat mocks certain other religions. its more interestin than anything most landlubbers know. its heaven has a stripper factory and giant beer volcanos, and every friday is a religous holiday. oh. and our god is an invisible flying spegetti monster. have ye any thoughts?
Yes, it was created in response against the rise of creationalism being taught in schools alongside evolution. The creator of Pastarfarianism was pointing out how ridiculous it would be to treat creationalism as valid, you might as well teach about a flying spaghetti monster & pirates with a beer-spouting volcano in the afterlife...
The "8 Rather You Didn'ts" of Pastarfarinism though are much better than most religions. :) Much more reasonable: "Samey equal samey".
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