Mohawks Rock

hey yalls yarrrrrrrrrrrr whats going on whos all in the bc or grater vancouver reagons?

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no... there isn't. at all. XD
theres a few people from out here sorry just learning how to use this sight better lol
there are a few lol
No but I have visited and I really liked it.
ya where did ya go in it?
shitty buzz well looks like i the only one besides one freind of mine in surrey on here and my ex that i found in here lol
I live in newfoundland. I may be the only one in my province who knows about this site. I have seen a few other people with mohawks Like one other girl and so far thats it. I know there probly like 10 of us. Still man. I myself don't know any of the crowd with mohawks... anyway sometimes its kinda lonely. it be fun to have a partner in crime.
hahahahaha thats why ya get people drunk and shave it in on them lol whats going on mang?
yarrrr i out in the wack here and there i from mission n just got a new pet rat n kicking around all over whats up main landers
ya and all the nick names and its not that bad it has its perks its like van just concratrated all the fun trubble n shit all in one area n its a strong dose when it hits
fuck ya fun little town n shit miss the good times out that way
fuck ya since they send all the ex pscyke ward pastionts there n all the crazys people running from the cops milltary baise in town and contry live and some of the best water in north amarica lol and the lakes n mouants how can ya not wanna like that place?


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