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(women) what to say when someone asks you if your a lezbo???

i wanna know some awesome come backs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I say,
if you wanna fuck with them
"wanna find out?"
i agree fuck you punch lol
(being a very out and proud lesbian) When I was younger and people used to ask me that I would usually grab my nearest chic friend and say "well this is my lover would u like to join?" if it was a girl and if it was a guy I would tell him "no but that doesn't mean u have a shot in hell"
But people either just assume now unless I am in baggy clothes in which they think I am a middle school boy with a pink mohawk. Either way I get an open mouthed stare as I walk by. It's great.
I dress like a guy alot and i dont believe in this is guy clothes this is girl clothes so i wear what ever i like. Which tends to make me look like a "dyke" i get asked if i'm a lesbian all the time and i tell them " Yeah and wanna see my penis ?? " or i say "no i'm not a lesbian i'm a dude and i bet my dicks bigger then yours" but all in all i tend to just tell them to fuck off so what i wear all kinds of clothes all the time and have a mohawk it doesn't matter and it definitely shouldn't matter if i like pussy or dick so its none of there fucking business
Tell them to ask their boyfriend~ :)

I was asked that way back in high school, in my home town where I was bullied by the whole I'm-so-popular-and-beautiful-and-cool-and-shit -clique, that one a lot. They'd shout "Hey you with the red hair, are you a lesbian or something?" Having heard it one too many times (I was very insecure and shy person) I yelled back "Well, the more I look at you the more I think I am!" (poor translation, finnish is a complicated...). That one shut them up for a while. Didn't see that coming...


And well, I got fed up with it and when my best friend (a girl) came visiting me from another town we gave them something to talk about :D. Lol, those sweet times of youth...


The most funniest thing was when I was about 18-years-old, I often were thought to be a guy. I used to tease my boyfriend (nowadays my husband) does it bother him that people think I'm a guy and that makes him gay >XD...

Nah I'm not, but I've noticed I attract a lotta lesbians. I don't give a fuck. Most of the time, chicks ask me if I am a lez cuz they think I'm good lookin'. It's all good though, don't trip on it.
WAIT!!! DO PEOPLE ACTUALLY ASK THAT QUESTION,,HOW FUCKING RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL,you shouldn't say nothing and just slap their ass


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