Mohawks Rock

why cant anyone kick the white pride scum off of this page? or at least delete their group.
and all you friendly punks out there who are getting friendly with them should go fuck yourselves.

i know segadoway requested banhammer on a couple of members earlier in another post, but this time i'm asking you to at least delete their group "white pride world wide"(and everyone in the group).
this is stupid.

especially their "i'm not racist, i'm just proud to be white" propaganda, bullshit. BULLSHIT
you're racists! fuck off!

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hey rotten i know understand and repect your strong beliefs iam not ahater i am a family man whoe gets on computer at night i am proud of my heritage but it comes from whithen i am not a hater but thanks for telling meyour true thoughts put a new light on sit,so have good one buddy i cant make yu like me but i am only human
dont pull that family guy shit, it doesnt work.
if you're not a hater, you shouldnt be in that group.

I am white too, we have NOTHING in common, as i stated a couple of hundred times earlier. your skin tone is not your heritage.
you can be proud to be an american, but thats not the same as being proud of your colour. there are black americans too you know, that may have been in america longer than your anscestors.

if you're proud of your colour that tells me you believe in race theories, and thats racist. I'm never going to like you, i don't care if you're just "human".
i'm an immigrant, i know lots of immigrants are racist too. I never said thats okay, but "Black Panthers" don't have a group on this site.
Russel scottash, please use correct grammar in the future. At least that way people could (possibly) respect your opinion. But then again, I don't see that happening either.
Race doesn't equal colour. However, racists often do equate the two wrongly.

It's perfectly normal to have a race consisting of more than one colour of human. Take the Caucasian race, it includes a number of peoples that are considered non-white. (see Usage note here) But now-a-days, the general person doesn't know what the definitions are and twist them to suit their own purpose. You can't manufature a commonality where one doesn't exist - no matter how much people want it to be true.

Whether you're fair skinned, dark skinned, reddish skinned or yellowish skinned to a varying degree - a race is a weak concept.

It's a weak concept because the definition is not specific (in general use) and doesn't mean anything because we all share a common genetic heritage and location if you go back enough generations - which is why we can interbreed, unlike different Species. That proves we are all one species which is a better, more valid concept to consider than 'race'.
why r u so full of hate let it go why do yu preach so much for some one who is so young yu ar the one whit a boner for people with difffernt shit yu seem like nice person i will be u i wanna so if yu kick me off for me telling yu a part of my self then fuck yu leave people alone grow up this is just mohawks rocks yu aint the leader of shit ,yu r a young boy with opinion with no life skills i love chatting with friends on this page and they r so nice and dont give a fuck about my opinion they let me be me and dont judge . they dont preach or neather do i.i dont hate yu for your ignorence. ASH out try and kick me off your new i am old so leave i was always polite with yu so sorry
You can't hate him for his ignorance if he isn't ignorant.
We (the Brits) didn't let the nazi's take over punk! The nazi's tried to hijack it and failed, because we had a strong movement against them.

I have actually said it's not just about 'punk' for me. It's simply a matter of nazi's being dangerous. I think the Holocaust is about as much evidence someone with any intelligence needs. The way they build is by propaganda and dishonesty. Hitler and his cronies didn't rise to power by going around saying 'as soon as i get in i'll massacre millions of poeple including members of our own group if they disagree with anything i say!' No, they did it by scapegoating weak targets, PRETENDING to be nice, respectable, honest and 'proud' white's.

Unfortunately for humanity, they did get to power and that led to the genocide of MILLIONS of Jews, communists, trade unionists, gays, disabled, different religion/races, gypsies and anyone a bit different. Also many Americans fought and died along side British people like MY GRANDFATHER to finally stop the horror. My country was bombed badly and over forty thousand people died. This is still very much an alive and a sore subject here.

Part of being a nazi is to FOLLOW in these footsteps to AGAIN BUILD for the eradication by MURDER&GENOCIDE, EVERYONE in the world who isn't white and like them (this would include you and your daughters). The people on this site going around wearing swastikas, calling themselves Nazi's & posting pics of pro Hitler/nazi images, simply wouldn't bother if they didn't AGREE with the Holocaust and the INTENT of doing it all over again.

It's not just about having an 'opinion' or me not excepting anyone else with different opinions (all my friends have different opinions). It's about a SMALL group of dangerous people who will use any tactics i.e. manipulation&lying about their intentions, being ALLOWED to BUILD on a site where 99% of it's members would be severely affected by them having this kind of opportunity. If the internet is supposed to be a free for all, then fine, they can go & have their site/groups somewhere else, then people can actively seek out their images/opinions. When i signed in the other day the first thing i saw was a pic of a swastika tattood on someones leg on the MAIN page. I could't avoid/miss it! Myself & others shouldn't have to be subjected to that.

I am not obsessed with nazi's! I also NEVER dreamt i'd have to face this situation when joining what i thought was a fun, rebellious social networking site. I am not full of hate (i think thats the nazi's forte darling). I am passionate, i do get angry about injustice and have actively campaigned against it all my life. I care about people and the world around me. I come from a long family line (including Florence Nightingale&the pioneers of the national union of miners) of socially concious activists who HAVE and want to change/help humanity for the better. I have helped and directly saved lives through my work and campaigns. My mother&sister are fantastic teachers as i hope to be. In Enland without poeple like myself and my family there would be NO law/legislations, basic work conditions&pay, rights, free education & services like the NHS, Welfare State and social care. All these things were created&fought for by ordinary people and activists. We have to continue fighting to protect them from Government cut backs and anyone like fascists/nazi's who activly seek to destroy them.

I joined this discussion to have direct issues raised with the admin, not to engage with people like you and the other racist, fascist, nazi's. I haven't made any comments (apart from1 asking you to stop contacting me!) on your pages. Now i know who the admin is i will contact him personally. This will also be the first and last time i directly respond to anything you have to say on the forums.

I'm nearly 25, very head strong&experianced so please do not insult me by saying i am just 'following' rotten, who is not a hate filled child. He is young, bright&angry. I don't agree with everything he says-that would be no fun! But at least he has had the courage to stand up against this disgusting situation & at 18 i think he makes you look like a little boy.
If you do care so much about people being hate filled, why don't you start re-evaluating your group's principles, which isn't just about being 'proud' of your skin. Or even spend some time challenging people like your delightful little friend white devil instead? (oh&before you start, i'm talking about his behaviour like posting swastikas&hitler images up NOT he's 'sweet' little messages to you.)

As for calling me ignorant, come on mate! I know i'm far from perfect, but if you can't even understand any of my reasons for feeling so strongly about this, than not only are you not as 'nice' as you think/make out, your also not exactly the sharpest tool in the box. It's really sad to see how the American education system has failed you so badly. Your arguments are incoherent and your writing is so poor it's barely legible. You can't even work out why affiliating yourself with these groups is so dangerous (especially for your daughter). Such a shame because i don't think you are a complete bastard or evan a nazi, you just don't seem to understand anything about the politics&people your involved with. It's ignorant uneducated people like you that these groups snap up and use. You're a good reminder of why i shall continue to fight for better education and a better quality of life for all. I'm sure you're very good to your friends and obviously loving to your family. Of course i don't know you, i can only go on what i've seen/read, which i think gives some indication. I wish your girls (who are beautiful by the way) all the things you obviously never had.

Hannah Grace
What does TL ; DR mean?
We keep a close eye on hate mongering. The belief is that everyone can have an opinion as long as they are thoughtful and constructive in their argument.

Personally, I don't like their rhetoric, but I'm hoping that as they try to constructively present their views and others engage them positively that maybe it will help them see something different. I have to imagine they are surrounded by ignorance and kicking them out of here does 2 things.

1) It boots them from a place that could have a positive impact upon their lives and therefore others along the path of life.

2) It prevents the hydra effect. Essentially as you kick them out they complain on their own forums and boards and suddenly where the was 3 you now have 300, and those 300 are only out to wreak havoc and not possibly explore different thoughts and ideas.

I understand its an unpopular stance by many to not immediately boot them, but its not in support of their movement, but rather in support of different communities finding ways to communicate and evolve in more positive meaningful ways.

I'm always glad to know that in general we have a very forward thinking community here at mohawks rock and I'm certainly glad we have those of you like Segadoway, H, rotten_beer and others that continually call into question the presence of racism on the site. It is active members like you all that will keep that movement in check and hopefully convince a few higher thinking individuals of that persuasion to finally see a more racially tolerant view of the world and how that makes everyone's including their own lives better in the long run.

Always feel free to email me if there is blatantly racial stuff that you find that does not offer intellectual conversation and for the most part it will be removed as much content does on here.



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