Mohawks Rock

Don't get me wrong i love my crazy pink hawk and wouldn't change it for the world but there are some things i really hate about having it. I'm lucky in the fact that were i live having piercings or crazy hair is somewhat common. But i hate having to awnswer retarded questions all the time and getting stared at mostly by the really young or the really old. I hate that to go out at all in the winter i have to wear a hat because my heads gets so cold. I also hate the up keep. I have 13 piercings and 3 tattoos yet i have to spend more time on my hair then i ever had to with anything else. I shave it every 2 weeks and have to touch up the dye once a month. It's all very worth it to have my hawk and like i said i wouldn't change it for anything. I would love to hear what others have to say about what they hate about having their hawk.

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my ahwk is cut too thin in the back:(
I have to keep mine under 7 inches to fit into my car, and I can't find a job. =/
When i rocked my 9 inch hawk, it was too wide at the bottom, so it took alot longer to stand up, and it still gapped.
the guestions-the questions-the questions! plus i've had it so long it's gotten thin, and the base has gotten uneven from fucking up shaving the sides. and i got wavy hair, so it gets annoying to put up-but putting it up is the easiest part for me. plus sometimes it gets inconvinent sitting in cars, etc. and i never seem to get it the way i want so i always think about re-doing it. but the reallyreallyreally good thing is that kids in my classes cant see over my hair so i get to sit in the back =D
When it wont fucking stay up!
Oooooooooooh. I have a swirl in the back it would always have a little wave in the back xD
it's too fucking short at the moment
n yeah winters a bitch for it my hat gets worn and i hardly ever put up my hawk atm coz its soo fucking cold
Hmmm I love not having to do hardly anything anymore. On the negetive side when I actually do put it up I have to set aside 1+ hour(s). HAHA but the positives far outweigh the negatives so it's pretty much a win win situation.
car roofs, u cant go anywhere unless u tip ur head over sideways n then u cant fuckin see the road properly.the other thing that realy pisses me off is after puttin the bastard up ,5 mins after leaving the house the wind gets up and it starts pissing with rain....wot a fuckin mess
I really hate when the sides of mine grow. It drives me nuts when they get long enough that I can pinch them with my fingers and that only takes about 2 weeks if not less. I wear mine down most of the time but when I put it up I hate having to deal with the weather just like Spitbag said. If it's raining it's fucked, if it's too windy it's also fucked. I take the bus pretty much everywhere I cant walk so there is plenty of head room. But I was in my ex's car once with it and fuck that was a pain in my neck. I also have issues keeping it one color, but I've always had that problem lol I like to change it up a lot. Mines also really thin so when I do put it up on the nice days with no wind or rain or car traveling I have to fight with it for an hour or more before it's perfect. and once you got so much hairspray in it and you mess up a spot and it separates it's like impossible to fix.
ur lucky,iv got no buses where i live!
Not so lucky, the transit system here is the fucking worst. Chances are you can walk halfway to where you going before the bus gets to the stop it's supposed to be at.


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