Don't get me wrong i love my crazy pink hawk and wouldn't change it for the world but there are some things i really hate about having it. I'm lucky in the fact that were i live having piercings or crazy hair is somewhat common. But i hate having to awnswer retarded questions all the time and getting stared at mostly by the really young or the really old. I hate that to go out at all in the winter i have to wear a hat because my heads gets so cold. I also hate the up keep. I have 13 piercings and 3 tattoos yet i have to spend more time on my hair then i ever had to with anything else. I shave it every 2 weeks and have to touch up the dye once a month. It's all very worth it to have my hawk and like i said i wouldn't change it for anything. I would love to hear what others have to say about what they hate about having their hawk.