Mohawks Rock

What do you think about the "occupy wallstreet" protests?

I'm not looking to be told what I should think as I stand firm as hell with what I believe in, rather, I want to hear what your opinions about government, political parties, types of economy, etc. The Occupy protest is coming to a city near me (Charlotte, NC) which happens to the the 2nd busiest banking city in the country with several banks holding their headquarters here. I will be in attendance at the protest because I am tired of the bullshit fucking corporate greed and the top 1% of the population (being the super wealthy) effectively controlling the government. I'm not even a fan of capitalism truth be told. I know this probably sounds like a bunch of rambling but If you've  stayed with me this long let me hear what you think.

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Yeah New York looks a bit like a war zone. It's amazing how over 700 people can be arrested and there's little to no coverage by the mainstream media. With the amount of people participating in the age of the internet the message is spreading like wildfire and the media can't do a thing..

i dont know a thing about this really, someone tell me what this is about because some toled me the other night but couldn't really say anything other then "we are protesting for the middle class" witch would be bull shit.  

i think this shit fuckn rocks...fuckn finally


the rich muther fuckers have been puttin us down for fuckn years/ FUCK EM AN FUCK EM HARD.   I hope it gets down an fuckn dirty.

im gonna try to get to charlotte....but gotta try to get out of parol meeting this week with my PO.


im fuckn with u with the corporate greed ant he top rich muther fuckers.  i think all the money of the rich should be taken by the govertment for the good of the people...then split up for the poor an middle class.  fuck capitalism.


dude for sure im gonna be in tennessee in jan or can get to NC....where u from  maybe hang the fuck some shit...stay fucked up an shit  any places i can sqart in NC or Tenn?????


fuck the flag

Fuck? Fuck fuck fuck fuck? Some more fuck, and then a little more fuck?


While corporate greed is something we could all do without, you can't always hate "rich" people. Plus, just like I can't define "normal" when people ask me if I'll ever be normal, "being rich" really doesn't have a definition. Greed is a bad thing, but you shouldn't hate someone because they have money. Some people do a lot of really good things with their money and time such as donations. Plus, you never know who makes 6 figure incomes. Some people I grew up with I would never know that their parents were doctors and lawyers considering they lived in a modest house with modest amenities, and wore simple clothes. But they would go on trips to help families build houses, and volunteer their time and money to less fortunate people. I personally think that's pretty admirable.  

From what I understand, the wall street protests are meant to show that we (the %99) want the 1% to pay for all our shit because they own 70% of all shit in the world; which is true. And to tell the government to quit taking all our shit in taxes and stealing everything using regulation bullcrap.

I don't think theres many people who can disagree with this, myself included, who has been a small scale %1 (in short, I make good, untaxed money under the counter as a metal scrapper and had several people living with me who werent so lucky, including my sister who is going to school on my dollar. I know thats not the same, thats why I said small-scale... and I wasnt a dick about it, I guess that draws the line too).


I have no idea what these protesters think'll happen, its not like after the boss stage of a videogame where money starts falling from the sky! It's like protesting the weather because hurricanes kill people, you can't stop nature no more than you can stop the corrupt. If anybody cares to fill me in on this last part I'm all ears and greatly confused.

Glanced by that and saw "glorblestompers". 

Romper Stomper 2: Glorblestompers

<3 lol
fuck yea!  fuck the rich

 We the 99% don't necessarily want to be paid for, have are shit for. I don't know about anyone else but speaking for myself I don't want any freebies I just think it's damn well time they quite relying on the lower middle class to carry the Country on our shoulders. Especially since we don't have a damn thing to say where our taxes go.People I'm 38 yrs old next March. I have sen this country evolve more and more into a Police State. In the 80's when I was in School our teacher read us animal Farm and 1984. 1984 scared they hell out of us, they idea of cameras on the streets watching us was terrifying. Now the People basically demanded them, as they've used fear to make us so Goddamn paranoid we feel we need cameras.Some people spy on their neighbors. The Gov. and Media have subliminally promoted racism so that we're fighting with each other instead of watching them.

   Does anyone think for a minute if we had so much to worry about from terrorist We'd still have wide open Borders. America has always had Boogieman to keep our mind off what's really going on. Even the POLICE...They're sacrificing

these Asshole to put the eye on them instead of the Gov. That's why they're beating protesters. Look at the Evil cops, just pay no attention to the shit sucking Bankers that are robing us.

  I'm not coming to Charleston unfortunately, I wanted to cause I have some friends and support there but right now it's stay and make money or go to the street and I've been there. If I was 2 that'd be different but I'm to old to be out there now.

    Besides there's now talk of  something happening here soon, We have to be careful here because many people are looking for a reason to be violent and the cops will give it to them.I'm not talking about Punks,Skins, Sharps, anyone of the music scene will be col. I'm worried about the Rednecks, The UT Vol. fans, Hell they might not understand and attack us!

   If anyone is here or planning to come look me up and I'll help ya with any info, Food maybe,Mainly I can just offer friendship.I can't put anyone up right now, sorry. But I'm not hard to Find and I know everyone. I am Christopher Scum

from the DIRTY WORKS. Google that and you'l find ways to contact me. Mainly internet sites but if ya contact me say @ FB and I feel I can trust you I'l give ya an E-Mail and then Point you in the Direction ya wanna head in, the people that ya wanna meet, I won't send you to trouble makers Cause if this is done HERE it has to be done RIGHT. SORRY so damn Long, I get Windy.

 If only we could all come together on this. Lower class, Middle class, even upper middle class,Black, White, Latino,Asian, all religions or lack of religion all need to put aside our differences and become as one power, with one agenda. Put our differences aside for ONCE in our lives. Stop thinking about being African American, Native American, European American, and just be AMERICAN!

   I'm pretty sure this could never happen because everyone is brainwashed to fear other Races, religions, etc.

  There are Skin Heads intent on taking over the GOV.  There are Black and Hispanic and Non racist mixed groups that want the same thing however they hate each other. Until we can stop fighting each other there's no reason to consider violence. Actually at first I left a comment agreeing with the poster, but not like that.

     It could come to a time where Violence is called for, that's why we have a second Amendment. But  hopefully by then we will have a great deal of the military on our side, a great deal of police on our side,

    I'm not promoting violence but I do see it as a possible reality. 

       What do you people that profess you will never turn violent suggest. Wave a peace sign while they're beating your neighbor into a bloody coma.

   in 1995 it was estimated that in America there are 5 guns to every American. I'm sure no one on this board is a gun owner though right? I'm not trying to be a smart ass just making  a point.The Revolution has started, so far the only violence I've seen has been police brutality!  

      Something has to change. I'm just not sure holding signs and shouting who's Streets our Streets is really gonna do it.

I disagree, everyone's opinion means something. Even the idiots that wanna throw Bottles and lute, we can use their ignorance as an example where not to go. The Government wants Civil unrest, they want rioting.Why do you think Police Brutality has gotten so more open and far more extreme in it's nature. they'll taze old women in front of the National news.They want Civil Unrest so they can declare marshal law and suspend the Constitution of the united states.Once it's suspended it won't be back at least not until it's rewritten.I am much older than you, which don't mean I'm smarter by any means but I have seen this coming for a long time and they always have a Bogey Man, which now the Scare word is Terrorist.So they want rioting, But do they really want a militant,unified,planned uprising.The resistance is there,the problem is bringing them together and that's starting to happen to a degree.The Black Panthers and Nazi Boneheads are enemies, well they need to look and see if they have a common enemy.

Late as fuck commenting on this but there is a good bit of anarchists at Occupy Charlotte and they do march.


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