Mohawks Rock

Short and simple. i want to gain some more muscle and not shit is working. wieght lifting wont work. being fit doesnt work. and eating right doesnt work.

im a scrawny kid and always have been and i want some change around my school.

havent tried creatine wieght gain stuff.

any good ideas?

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yeah but then what
lol i dont think i would fit through the bars but i can fit in a small ass locker look

so i can just hide in some1s book bag lol:p
LOL Asian fantasy!
I don't know if it will work for you but it worked for me , I train 6 day's a week , I only do weights , no cycling running swimming or any of that fat burning crap , I have a high carb and protien diet , I train one body part a day for two hours , my training is intensive , I start with two set's of 15 rep's for warm up's then I start adding the weight and push till failure , after reaching my max weight I then do a stripping set , max weight untill failure then quickly remove weight and continue till failure then remove weight and push till failure repeat untill you are no longer able to lift , the fact is to bulk up you have to tear muscle and only heavy weights will do it , I went from 90 kg's to 130 kg's in 6 months , and I sure as shit don't look fat .
to gain muscle mass...lift weights using heavy weights with lower amount of reps. If you were trying to tone or build endurance you would use lower weight and more reps.

So using high weight-low rep, you want to make a routine that fits you. Typically focusing on two muscle groups per day is the most effective way. One day 1 for instance do your bi-ceps and hamstrings. Day 2 do your triceps and thigh. Day 3 do the chest muscles. Then repeat the cycle which would give you a 6 day heavy lifting schedule. Day 7 you take off from lifting weights.

To build muscle your body needs to have more protein so you will focus on eating more protein than you are now. When you lift heavy your muscle actually tears and it gets bigger by repairing it with the protein. Protein powders are great for this or protein shakes form health stores.

On the 7th day of the routine, it is good to be a little more lax on your diet and allow yourself a few treats to keep your body from constantly craving fat. Trying to be hardline on it, especially at first is very very tough and even when you have done it for years, sticking to eating low fat, complex carbs, and protein shakes gets to you so it is nice to have a bowl of ice cream or something.

Overall this is just a basic formula and there is nothing universal and it is to be adapted to the individual. Choose which muscles yu work on each day, figure out a good diet for you etc. Just do not work both arm muscles or both leg muscles on same day. More effective to do one of each per day and allow the body to focus on it.

Creatine is not so much of a weight gainer. It keeps muscles hydrated by helping them retain water. It helps muscle endurance and helps the look as well.

Personally, I think being big is not a plus. Especially for combat situations. Physical power does not mean striking power or anything. That comes from speed more than anything and any martial artist who is smaller, well toned and knows body dynamics and how to manipulate people by their weight will win every time. =) Just some advice. I was involved in teaching and training in karate and grappling for years and saw giant wrestlers and football players come in and think they would be the shit only to get trashed by a 150 pound guy half his size.
any martial artist who is smaller, well toned and knows body dynamics and how to manipulate people by their weight will get shot every time by a big guy with a gun :) no one fights fair , the world is not fair .
lawrence lee nuff said
just because they smaller, well toned and know body dynamics and how to manipulate people by their weight doesnt mean they fight fair
I am by no means saying there is fair fight. If I am involved with any physical confrontation, I will do my best and do whatever is needed to ensure my survival. If that means hitting somebody with a pipe, so be it. Kicking their knees out, so be it. To engage in a physical confrontation is to acknowledge that you may die, or you may cause death. Even if that margin is slim, it is a possibility.

And this is why I avoid physical fights with people over bullshit matters such as macho male attitude.

I am off the belief that in combat, one on one street fight combat that has already begun, there is no such thing as clean or dirty. right or wrong. What is wrong in my opinion is if some person has a problem with you, you try to de-escalate it and walk away and this person hits you from behind in the head, it is cowardly. On the other side of this coin peopel have to realize that you are not safe until you are away form this person and out of harms way physically. Do not take your eyes off them or turn your back to them and give them the chance to sucker punch you.
this was not the point in question =)

I agree with you yes, but not the point of discussion. If we go down that road we talk of cowardice and insecurity and the need for people to even solve things with violence and blah blah blah.
yes thats right sonic stop derailing the thread and get back on topic!
hmm, in the end working out every day helps

there is no secret way to get muscles otherwise I would be benching 300 and shit cause I've looked everywhere I can for different ideas and none of them work a whole lot better then the others


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