Mohawks Rock

what do people think about having a swapping thread on here? people post things they've made or things they think they think someone on here would want to wear and other people offer up their swaps, eventually magic is made and everyone gets something new to them without having to buy brand new stuff.


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its always risky making arrangements like these over the internet.. too easy to get ripped off.
yeah i had thought of that, which was really why i wanted opinions.
last year the ladies that do blog set up a swap online here is what happened. Everyone that I dealt with kept up with what they promised, but I heard there were some that never sent anything out. So, the only thing you could do is make sure that everyone knows that while we can do our best to keep everything running smooth, there is a chance that some people will be jerks.
i think this is an awesome idea
yah, I mean it could be rad, but the thing is I would be afraid of some one jacking me
No harm in trying.. err. Sorta. :3
An alternative possibility is to implement a swapping system similar to that of, and keep track of people who flake, so that if there are future swaps planned (versus doing one huge swap, we could have monthly swaps with rotating swap leaders), we have a going record of people to *NOT* include. By doing this, you can set up the angel system like craftster has, and in that way everyone involved will still be able to get something, even if the other person did not send.

i love craftster, but i had no idea how to explain their swapping system near as good as you did.




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