Mohawks Rock

The other day i tried morning glory seeds which arent even close to LSD but i got a taste of what trip drugs can kind of do and it changed my whole philosophy of life and gave me inspiration to many things in life.
Has anyone done LSD and can tell me about their experiences? I want to try some but im scared that it will be to powerful because while on morning glories i had a good and bad trip and nearly killed myself.

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hmmm......... well i can tell ya that LSD is the only drug i've ever done... and i've always had an amazing experience with it. people told me that i was crazy for just jumping right into LSD without any other experiences, but i was completely open to whatever the effects might have been. the first couple times you do it, it's not as amazing as you might expect - you just get really giggly and think and feel differently than usual. (in my personal experience.) after doing it a few times is when the visual hallucinations started for me. the last time i did it, i got auditory hallucinations, and dude, those are scary! but i took more than i should have that time and it was reeeeally good stuff.

so i'd say, if you're scared to do it, maybe hold off for a while and wait until you're not scared. be completely open to the idea. otherwise you're gunna be second guessing yourself and won't have a very good experience.
that makes complete sense. But what are the hallucinations like? because when i was on morning glories i just saw tons of designs and geometric shapes spiraling into perfect shapes and all my senses started making designs too. Like when i was listening to the music, the music created images in my mind that moved like a movie. But LSD is way more powerful so would you see animals pop out of the walls and strange hallucinations that actually are life like?
i have never seen anything that isn't there..... its like you explained, tons of designs and shapes. sometimes things get a lot more colourful, or get like a checkered pattern to them, sometimes you see shapes on top of shapes..... i dunno, it's pretty cool. a lot of the time for (i dunno if it happens to everyone) but i kinda just completely zone out from the world around me, and i dont even realize if people are talking to me..... music kinda just fades away and i just stare at nothing. and then the world will start to come back to me and i realize things are going on around me. LOL its actually a pretty cool experience, if you're ready for it.
i've done every drug Known to man Basically,,,,,,, Liquid Lsd straight outta denver did that shit 3x in my life and it is interesting, tripping on the beach is the best lucy in the sky with diamonds and all that shit....But too drugs don't bring out new things in ur mind , those things are already there, You should find another way to unleash your mind than doing drugs it's possible , If i could go back i wouldn't done any of them , Crystal meth was my drug of choice from the age of 12 to 19 and i am lucky i made it to 21. after all the drinking candy flippin and Overdose's it took me 3 times of being in the emergancy room to wake up and realize I wanted to clean, I hope you decide to do something else Drugs are for the Weak Minded
well obviously im not that stupid and i didnt ever once think lsd would be HOLY SHIT IM FLYING ROUND MOUNTAINS type of thing. First thing i heard was shrooms then lsd and i have done shrooms and mostly the hallucinations didn't do anything for me but the drug effect like brought my concious out and i started having tons of epiphanies and philosophies on life and that kind of stuff. I definetly want to try LSD but im mostly afraid of the LSD destroying my body because i don't do so well with hallucination drugs + narcotics and usually they destroy my muscles.
Do you even do drugs?
good enuff for me
Morninglory sucked. DXM can kick your ass
I see lol.
Did shrooms again last night, I love them every time =D
Reminds me of my first shrooms trip, Took way to much and started halucinating like crazy and I almost poo'd myself, I didn't though and then I thought I was in the hospital with doctors around me and stuff but really I was out in the forest just alying in the grass, Good times:|

then did another 8th two days ago during the day, wasn't are much fun as shrooms normally are during the day and it was my first time during the day, but walking through town on them is alot nicer during the day.
lsd will fuck you up for life or has the potential to,,you dont want back problems along with involuntary muscle twitching in the future do you,,just smoke some bud if you got to get high


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