Mohawks Rock

Is a good gig one where you end up battered and bruised?

Are you always the last one to back down?

Do you fight harder than your guy mates?


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I used to get in the pit, and always come out black and blue and happy. However in the last three years I haven't gotten near a local pit....our scene changed and then fell apart completely. On the very RARE occassion we do have a show that would have a pit, I stay out now. Every.Single.Show here since our best venues went out of business there have been random "frat boy types" ( I actually know some nice frat guys, so I hate using this term, but I do not know what you call them..they are very young (21-22), wear white ball caps and polo style shirts) that show up and basically storm the pit. these twits do not understand how a pit works and seem to think it is MMA time. if some of the bigger dudes in our tiny scene are there, usually these guys disappear quickly. but more often than not, they stay and ruin everything. I'm used to our pits being insane, but no one actually purposely punched or kicked happened, but it was never'd just be in the way of some one else's flailing. If you fell, the people next to you would grab you. But the past shows recently...they look like bar brawls...not a bunch of people having a good time. And if you are girl, you can bet on getting groped...and not like a "oh oops i accidently on purpose grabbed your boob" but stuff that is damn near sexual assault. I see no reason to put myself in harm's way. I've been able to pit a few out of town shows where the crowd knew what they were doing, but here in my home city, not anymore. It isn't fear of being hurt, but being arrested. I can take a punch, and I can return the favor, but I can't afford bail. =(

Sounds like you need to round up some scary mother fuckers and clean house. Make those "frat boy types" not want to step foot in your scene again. 

Aww I love the mosh pit! Unfortunately I rarely can find people to mosh with. Guys look at me and say no way since I'm so small... I crowd surf too, so at least there's that.

i find the best way to sort this sexist discrimination is to smack em in the face n break there jaw :D

i usualy get as much attention/fighting as i like then try it

very sucsessful unless they start 2 cry then u feel bad but secretly ur like ha pussy :P xxx

rowdy's my middle name! i always like to fight with the guys and girls, even if its just play fight.i remember once at a show a guy kept personally targeting me so i personally called him out and i had to have like 3 other people hold me back. it was intense. i'm ALWAYS in the pit, usually the only girl, but when i'm not it juswt means more fun cuz alot of the chicks i know are tough too. i cant get enough of moshing and circle pits. i like live for it at shows. if i fall (which i hardley ever do) i get right back up! i've been socked on the same side of the face twice in a matter of like 10 minutes once when i was in a pit. I NEVER FELT MORE ALIVE!!!! i love getting down and dirty
I broke a guy's hip when I was aiming to kick him in the nuts (he's lucky he turned). I broke my foot too, but he was on crutches longer so IMO I won! hahaha... I was outside a show once and a guy kept coming by on his skateboard calling me a bitch. He rode by and spit on me so I decked him and proceeded to beat him with said skateboard.

I have like people claustrophobia, so the pit was never my fav, but I was never one to back down from a fight. Never started them (physically anyways) and the two I mentioned are probably the only time I've fought for myself instead of sticking up for a friend. I get a lot more pissed over someone messing with my friends for some reason. Most stuff people say to me I can let roll of my back, but spit on me or hit me and I'll do anything I can to win the fight... Oh I kicked a girl in the vajayjay with a rollerblade once too, she wouldn't stop hitting me while I was trying to take it off to fight fair :(
Oh rollerblades.. God I feel old, lol.
Roller derby. <3
YEAH BUDDY! the pit is the way to go i got a nice scar on my back from one i got pushed into the rail. ive been in a couple seriouse physical alterations mainly with cops. but i always rough housed with the guys.
i meant altercations haha
I Love to get in the pits and also I'm always ready to fight and wrestle any one whose up for it. My guy friends dont even consider me a girl really anymore to them im just another tough guy (tougher then them thats for sure) and ive kicked a few of there asses in fights and wrestling matches :)

omg i love to fight like as much as sex i love fighting my criminal record is like gbh gbh gbh abh possesion of cannibiss gbh gbh abh gbh gbh :D

i like fightin at concerts but u cant propperly fight ya know?

on the street or in a bar is way better cuz u can propperly fuck ppl up

i love to curb ppl so they loose all there teeth ar when u crack sum1 across the jaw and its like slowmotion n u can see it all breaking or when u jump on an outstretched leg n it goes the other way oh i love it :D

but yea kids violence drugs n sex will make jesus hate u so yea

so yea do what u like cuz i dont give a shit :D xxx


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