Mohawks Rock

I just found out that I’m going to be in Seattle when social distortion is there! But I can’t go because my dad is busy. I’m 16 I’ve never been to any shows before and social is my FAVORITE! *rant rant rant*This sucks.


Uh how to make this a discussion…?

Oh I got it!

What was your first show, how old we’re you and did you like it?

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Thats too bad dude sounds like it would have been fun but hey, there will be other shows.

As for my first show was when I was 13 and had a good time (saw System of a Down). I think I might have been a bit young because compared to going to shows when I'm 20 it was no where near as fun.

have you talked to your dad about going by yourself?

pretty shity to be honest, but social D is going strong theyll be back before you know it.


my first show was when i was 10, i saw the offspring with my cousin and my uncle. shit was so awesome. i got backstage passes and got dexter's autograph on my shirt, its hanging up still in my room.

hmm go to some underground punk show instead ;) hmm I don't remember which band took my show-virginity... But it was sure in the Youth House of Denmark... but don't really remember the bands

Ask your Dad if you can go alone? I'm 18 and have been doing it since I was your age.

People you meet at gigs are really nice and I've made loads of friends that way.


As for my first show? I was 16 and I saw Nine Inch Nails at their last UK Headline tour. It was amazing, I even cried a little when they played Hurt.

I was about 12 and I saw Metallica.

amazing show.

My first show was for my 16th birthday and my friend/ex took me to go see  Gwar. Don't really remember the show  to much though was in the pit alot and was kinda sloshed    but by the bruises i woke up with seems like it was a good show.

I was about 12 when i really seen my first big show i went and seen airbourne and sound and fury


woow britney spears!§ wish I was there haha : D
My first "real" show was Orange 9mm in Atlanta at the Masquerade when I was in college.  Sucked that we never got any real good shows in Montana, but by the time I caught Orange 9 it was all worth it.  Great show.  The lead singer at one point turned his back and whispered "This one is for all you crazy people in the front."  He then dropped the mic, turned around and sprinted into a front flip into the crowd where my boy and I caught him (both of us being over 6'7) and then launched him back onto the stage where he caught the mic tossed from the guitar player and started into "So you think you can fly" before even hitting the ground.  Not sure they are around anymore but Orange 9 definitely brought the energy on every song.
At the time, I'd been to plenty of shows before, but none as big as Guttermouth when I was 13. Plenty of big bands come around to my town including Angry Samoans, Agent Orange, and my favorite, DI. Unfortunatly those are ALL 21+ shows. However, this last month, I got to see DRI, Instant Asshole, and Attitude Adgustment at Slim's in SF. It's too bad my mom was there and I was super uncomfortable :D. I still had a great time...

The first show I went to I was eight, my dads band was playing haha. I dont really remember much, but shows are always fun!! 


Damn that sucks so much, sorry:/ 

My first concert was snoop dogg with Ice Cube, where i got front row and my pic taken and put up on the front page newspaper lol. 

I was 16.


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