Mohawks Rock

All you need is Scissors , a piece of cardboard to make this tool for your hawk that you want to charge -up by yourself! Oh- you will need Got2b Glued hairspray, hair dryer and a mirror(s) that will allow you to see behind your head ect..

1. Cut the piece to he shape of your skull . If the cardboard is not long enough for the length of your hawk , thats ok. the Tool is just to brace your hair long enough for it to harden up from hairspray & hair dryer blowing.

2. If needed cut a shape for the rear part too!

3. Now tilt your head slighty then comb it to the desired shape and start the hairspray treatment to the base 1st! - Then apply to the other side of hawk!

***NOTE** - you can use your fingers that holds the cardboard tool to the hair as an additional tool to keep hair tight and pulled up . I USE A COMB .

Practice makes perfect ,but I found it easier using these tools I perfected for myself ! Hope this helps some of you too!

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Interesting idea - reminds me of me trying to use cardboard over the last few days to paint round skirting boards. =)
i tried this laying on the floor, didn't work.
Yeah, I think the board needs to be held upright - still, tricky on your own.
I'm gonna need to resize my boards because my hair has grown longer...


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