Mohawks Rock

Manufacturing Jobs Drop To Lowest Level Since 1941

Carpe Diem
August 21, 2009

Manufacturing employment in the U.S. peaked in June 1979 with 19,553,000 jobs (data here), and by July of this year manufacturing employment had fallen to 11,817,000, the lowest level of manufacturing jobs since April 1941 (see chart above).

As a percent of the total labor force, manufacturing employment fell below 9% in July (see chart below), the lowest level in BLS history (back to 1939).

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and let us not forget the people they aren't counting!!!
Because if Obama wasn't in office, McCain and Palin could use their mystical magic-hands to instantly reverse the economy! I'm sure it totally works like that! :D
yup, damn obama started the recession before he was in office.
hey, like i said. if you still believe in the right/left wing paradigm, you're stupid.

and yea, he did.
i belive in the downfall of politics, i don't believe in any wing.

and i would like proof. until there is some showing obama starting the reciestion your comment is worth nothing.
yea, it happened on his watch. and you're just the average 18 yr. old American and your IQ is probably about 110.
and how many times do i have to say this??

stop reading my posts and calling me out
its seriously some nonsense.
if you don't agree with it then oh well

that's life
listen to your mother and get to bed on time.
amen lena.

also jade, when you post ANYWHERE about something with somewhat controversial stand points you give sufficient sources and research on the subjects. this is for almost EVERY subject known to man kind.

do you see people going

"got2glue is the best hairspray"
next person:
"well why is it the best"

that is what your doing right now.

next time you post, show some research, give your well thought and formulated opinion on the subject.
If you hate America and Obama so much, get the fuck out. We have enough real problems to deal with, so we sure as hell don't need you here creating fake ones.

It isn't Lena's intelligence I worry about- it is yours. You do realize that conspiracy theories are conspiracy theories because there is next to no evidence behind them? And that if you want to have a real debate, you need to make sense, and use reason and fact instead of blowing up at the first person who calls you out on your lies.
Those graphs show a clear downward trend for many years - since the late 90's in the first one and over the last half-century in the second one. I see no correlation with Obama taking the reins - and there will no effect in overall employment rates for quite a while since policy changes don't take effect immediately and don't change business decisions to scale back employment during a world recession.
And as the ECONOMIC student part of me coming in... :-D
It's not that hard to see. Then again you actually have to take the time to look at it and know what it says and why the graph came out that way (the math involved, then global events, local events, that all affect how we act etc). Now, remember, economics isn't automatically generated at the end of day, it takes MONTHS of data, at least 3, but the more the better to really see the trend.

But oh wait, who actually takes the time to look at that? Everyone only cares about the moment and instant gratification. =( And if I remember correctly... the economy started really taking a fall after 9/11, when people got scared. We were offically in a recession just a few short years later. We had been heading that way for a while. Another short recession in the 90's (HMM, guys go look these things up, they happen more than you think, but normally aren't this long). But the good news, whether we like it or not, is kind of a cool fact (and you don't have to believe me, but it's historic): if the house changes during a bad recession, typically the next president makes a lot of changes then we soar into some pretty awesome years, from an economic standpoint. It's not an overnight thing. It takes time and patience.

Now, if they go through the policies at the top and down... a lot of it is outdated and ineffective (Example: No Child Left Behind and many more). We need a massive government overhaul, in more ways than one. Like I said in another post about the bases, it doesn't happen over night. Months and years before everything is done and said with and producing the desired results.
We need to really look at how our world has changed and technologies have changed and go back to things that were set 40 or 50 years ago (everywhere before and beyond too) and decide if they are worth keeping or not, and if they are how they can be modernized effectively. Some many of them are black holes for money. And it can't just be blamed on house parties or the president. Some things got passed on as "riders" to a bigger bill. Someone's pet project. Shit needs to stop.
The money needs to be kept more localized. Without consequence or incentive. I really go could on for days.

I think a huge change would do the country good. The people would have a mass freak out though (cause we all know the majority are stuck in their ways and afraid of the slightest scent of change) but sometimes you just gotta shake it up. There are some great things about our history. We're the longest standing government and one of the youngest nations. But the things that worked well back in the days when technology was just budding are not necessarily going to work well today (as I said before). We don't need to get rid of the government, but change how it works. Change biased party system. Keep church and state separate (which that line gets blurred a LOT and shouldn't) and be able to get the people here in the bible belt to live with it.

Interesting side note:
Also, if you ever get along in school and play the "stock market game", you can really watch the trending. I saw it happening beginning of high school and the end of high school, just playing for fun. It really sucked. Oil futures were really one of the few profitable things...wonder why. =\ (remember when gas prices started climbing sky high and peaked out in summer of 07? my last game started the fall before it)

In regards to the text in the Original Post:
We are moving from a manufacturing based nation to a service based nation. More and more jobs are outsourced because it's cheaper for them overseas (still doesn't make it right). If those jobs were here, they would HAVE to stand by minimum wage laws, labor laws, union laws, taxes and more. Thats just a few of the factors.
yea, i understand that Kobalos..

my point is why hasn't it changed????????
If you actually knew anything legitimate about the government you'd know it isn't full of magical fairies that create instant change in the USA.


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