Mohawks Rock

Lets make this short and sweet shall we?
Well my mohawk WAS about 6 inches long UNTILL
Today at school some bogan thought it'd be cool to snip at my hair while i was reading some lame textbook.
Took a pretty decent chunk out of my hawk till i realized what he had done (about 1.2 seconds)
I jumped out of my chair and onto his face and beat it relentlessly
Knock his two front teeth loose and taught him a lesson he'll never forget.
The moral of the story is... Don't fuck with a mohawk
Crunch it
Slap it
CUT it
Pull it

You'll regret it

Stop the mohawk abuse :D

Note: I got 22 days Oss :]And currently trying to repair the mohawk

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If it makes you feel any better the only thing i would yell at you from my car would be

awwww how sweet, also i gotta go hang with u sometime jessinta, so we can see how much more abuse we receive in a group
what an ass. people dont go around cutting each others hair, but when you have a mohawk they do. thats bullshit
Yeah its full discrinmination
I fucking hate that shit
Im glad i knocked the kids teeth loose
so am i
i usually hate violence but if some bastard killed my mohican they'd get such a beating!!!

it's been crunched up before and i went apeass but it was my mates and by accident, even still

i kicked a skin'ed in the face because he poured beer over it, touched me up and fell on me in a mosh pit. i was wearing steel toed capped boots too, i felt bad but he deserved it. he was a proper nazi skin'ed too. made me feel sick.

- hope your hair grows quickly, try head massages, it works for me.
hmm, shame that if that actually happened to me the people who did it would likely be much stronger than I

I need to get pepper spray or something in case that happens, hell maybe I'll just spray dye in their eyes
so what if their stronger
A knife enters skin the same way for everyone
I'd probably have the same problem that Alex, except that boots are much harder than bones... I've tested It. ;]

I totally agree with BeckiBites, violence sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


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