SPIDARLINGS is an upcoming Horror Punk Musical by Salem Kapsaski with Music and Songs by Jeff Kristian about young poverty stricken lovers Eden & Matilda who face eviction by their landlord...
Our cast includes renowned actors such as:
Rusty Goffe (Star Wars, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Harry Potter)
Actress and Alternative Model Sophia Disgrace (Three's a Shroud, Kung Fu and Titties,
The Shadow of Death)
Victor Sobchak (The Jackal, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, Ghostboat)
We have finished shooting most of our footage, but now our team needs to raise a further $25,000 to finish the film.
Please support us on IndieGoGo: http://www.indiegogo.com/spidarlings For as little as 1$ you can get a free MP3 of the soundrack, original props, signed DVD's and books and producer credits We also give a one day Special Effects class in London taught by the Special FX team of Spidarlings and an invitation to the red carpet premier in london following a Vip after Party Plus many more amazing perks!!!