Mohawks Rock

Because I read Twilight.. And.. Ok.. Let's start from the beginning..

I was avidly against the whole like.. freak over Twilight thing. Girls in my school were wearing Twilight t-shirts the day the movie came out and everything. I was like, yeah ok, probably some gay ass book about a girl falling in love with a vampire and then he turns her into one.. LAME!

But then I figured I'd give it a read and see what it's all about. So I asked for it for Christmas. I started reading it the other night.. and finished it THAT NIGHT. All I can say is OMFG. It was amazing. For a book that far below my normal reading standards it was very well written. She used suspense and didn't say things right out, like how some authors do. She made you think a bit, but not too much to where you're like.. fuck this shit. (As it is with many authors like William Faulkner and H.G. Wells.)

The characters are believable, something that is hard to come by in modern fictional novels made for teenage girls. And the plot has substance to it. Not only that, but Edward Cullen is dreamy enough to be any guy you want him to be. He's not just that vampire smitten with Bella, he's the guy you pass on the street who gives you the once over and holds your eyes for a moment too long, but looks away. They guy you'll never speak to again. He can be your boyfriend, who has weird little ways of showing his affection. He can be anyone you want him to be.

He's also.. a dream boat. Now, I hate using stupid words that you would find on shows like Valley Girls, but.. he is oh my god.. I just wish I had the money to buy the last 3 books.

I wish I was Bella. The fact that she gets an impossibly good looking, sultry, and highly dangerous guy makes me jealous beyond reason. The book is like taking a look into your deep innards and writing your deepest, and sometimes darkest, fantasies on paper. It's something that secretly, almost, every girl wants.

So.. in conclusion. I'm now an addict, and I want a sex vampire man in my bed right now.

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other good books, harry potter (yes i know LOL but i think its well written), lord of the rings, eragon, the artemis fowl series are reasonably good, and ANY matthew reilly book
Dude who would LOL at Harry Potter? Amazing books. Truely. My mom read me the LOTR trilogy as a little kid, they were my bed time stories hahaha. My brother reads Eragon and is in love with it. I just can't really get into it, but they must be pretty damn good if so many people love it. And I think I read a few Artemis Fowl books.

I like to read.. a lot..
You know what books are really good??? Oh man.. The Mediator series by Meg Cabot. I read those when I was younger, they were soooo good and.. oh man what's the other one.. Tamora Pierce's books are amaziiing. I've read the Lady Keladry series, the Tricksters, and started reading the Beka Cooper trilogy but I haven't finished it yet.

Seriously though.. read Wicked, Son of a Witch, and the Lion one I keep forgetting the name of hahaha.. amazing books! And his other books are great too.. Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister and Mirror, Mirror. I never read Lost though, it kinda bored me.
i love tamora pierce. have you read the circle of magic series?
its kinda low level but when i was in like7-8th grade i swear i read the series like twenty times.
No! Oh man.. I wish I had more time on my hands so I could read more. But I'm so damn busy. Agh. There are so many good books out there and so little of us get to experience all of them. More great books.. My Sister's Keeper, The Lonely Bones, and Marley and Me. SOOOOO sad!!! A Glass Sandcastle was good too. =]

I love reading, and writing. I write a lot. I have a whole bunch of short stories on my desk top. I've started writing books a few times and get a few chapters into it and then stop. Lol. I lose interest after a while, like the flame in my dimmers down to a spark.
as do i! i have read LOTR 17 and a half times, the book fell apart on the 18th try lol
eragon is great, if you cant get into reading it try audio books
if you have the time to read, yes. but i never do, i'm always running around and they're great to have in the car or when doing math work and shit.
also the chronicles of narnia is an excellent series, it turns out CS lewis was good friends with JRR tolkien
Not a huge fan of Narnia...

Oh.. and I'm like 1/3 into New Moon and all I can say is.. FUCK YOU EDWARD!!!! Omg. I still love him though. And Yeah Jake is sweet, but I'm still too smitten with Edward. =[
oh youll see. it gets better.
oh man you really should try to read the narnia books. its one of those kind of books that will leave you wanting more and more. it makes you think.
Ok.. So I'm on the third one.. i forget the name.. I liked Jacob in the second one and then in the end he pissed me off, and now he's still pissing me off. So... yeahhhh hahahaha

He was nice, but he kinda lost my likingness because he's a stupid jerk =\
Artemis Fowl would eat Harry Potter for breakfast. I like the books better too. Maybe its because he's evil. Or maybe because he doesn't always need one of his little friends to save him every time. Or perhaps its because the books are usually shinny. I don't know what appeals to me more.


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