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Because I read Twilight.. And.. Ok.. Let's start from the beginning..

I was avidly against the whole like.. freak over Twilight thing. Girls in my school were wearing Twilight t-shirts the day the movie came out and everything. I was like, yeah ok, probably some gay ass book about a girl falling in love with a vampire and then he turns her into one.. LAME!

But then I figured I'd give it a read and see what it's all about. So I asked for it for Christmas. I started reading it the other night.. and finished it THAT NIGHT. All I can say is OMFG. It was amazing. For a book that far below my normal reading standards it was very well written. She used suspense and didn't say things right out, like how some authors do. She made you think a bit, but not too much to where you're like.. fuck this shit. (As it is with many authors like William Faulkner and H.G. Wells.)

The characters are believable, something that is hard to come by in modern fictional novels made for teenage girls. And the plot has substance to it. Not only that, but Edward Cullen is dreamy enough to be any guy you want him to be. He's not just that vampire smitten with Bella, he's the guy you pass on the street who gives you the once over and holds your eyes for a moment too long, but looks away. They guy you'll never speak to again. He can be your boyfriend, who has weird little ways of showing his affection. He can be anyone you want him to be.

He's also.. a dream boat. Now, I hate using stupid words that you would find on shows like Valley Girls, but.. he is oh my god.. I just wish I had the money to buy the last 3 books.

I wish I was Bella. The fact that she gets an impossibly good looking, sultry, and highly dangerous guy makes me jealous beyond reason. The book is like taking a look into your deep innards and writing your deepest, and sometimes darkest, fantasies on paper. It's something that secretly, almost, every girl wants.

So.. in conclusion. I'm now an addict, and I want a sex vampire man in my bed right now.

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I'm so excited to read the other three.. But I'm gunna be sad when I finish it. I don't want it to end.. EVER! Lol.

And.. the best books I've ever read were the Wicked trilogy. "Wicked", "Son of a Witch" and now the Lion one.. I forget the name.. Which I'm in the middle of right now.
Ive read (most) all of them. I started Twilight in 7th grade and had to wait for every flippin' book to come out! >br /> I'm not so much a fan of the last one (I have about 100 pages left) just because of the point of view change and how everything happens so quickly. I guess I just wish she would have drawn it a few parts out a little longer... =/
But other than that I also am sorta a fan girl. I also LOVE vampires, but I'm a Jacob fan. :] He just seems more cuddly too me (and sometimes reminds me of my boyfriend =P)

I know this is a little off topic, but Chuck Palahniuk (I think thats the right spelling...) is also an amazing author.
Meh I read all four of them (my girl friend loves them) They weren't too bad. Second one is annoying as Bella becomes really really shallow n' depressed. Third one is the best. Fourth one starts off great, ends kinda meeeehh.

All in all, okay. Just okay. Bella's shallow, so you can kinda put your own emotions in, so that's kinda good in a way. Edward is well, almost happily unrealistic, I just wish he was more prone to vampire like violence. Why can't he be a sadist, like Alucard from Hellsing? It would make it aaAll better. And they all turn out all right. Its given. Well written stuff though.
I... want the other books. My mom won't go to the store and get them for me though. =[

I'm not a huge Jacob fan. He's kinda annoying to me. I love Edward hahaha
This will probably make you all jealous, but I did let my girlfriend put sparkles in my mohawk. They ended up getting everywhere too, so I sparkled for a couple days. ^.^
You know how I said Edward should be more like Alucard? Here is some footage of him fighting another vampire.
Hehe true true. Did you like the rest of the video? I like that anime very much.
I LOVE how alucard is kinda twisted. and his hounds of hell is awesome. but i think there's better graphics in the hellsing manga. though the shade of blood is perfect. XP.
I JUST finished the last book about a half hour ago. I actually liked the ending. I was kinda surprised.
Jacob can be a little pestering sometimes, but in the 2nd book he just grows up sooo much and thats when I feel in love with his character. Edward is a dick in the second one. >< And they have such an unhealthy relationship. I don't want to leave any spoilers for you but they just seem indecisive and shallow sometimes.=/
Oh no... if Edward and Bella don't end up together I'll die hahaha. Not literally.. just a little bit on the inside..

And... You can't say what vampires do because there are none to ask. Vampires were created by myths and legends. So any one person's interpretation of a vampire can be correct as long as they make up things to back up their claims.

As for in my bed.. Right now it's occupied.. by my fat hairy dog who is snoring louder than fucking anything in the world..

I could never like Jacob though.. Because when I have an initial view of a person it's hard for me to change it, and I see Jacob as a nice boy, but he's too sweet and not enough grrr.. And he's just annoying in my eyes. I just want him to go away hahaha.
Maybe you'll change your mind about Jacob (and Edward) in the second book.
I did. I used to loooooveeee Edward too, he's still pretty rad; but Jake is just my personal choice.
yeah, im pretty much positive youll change your mind about jake later.
hes pretty badass.


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