Mohawks Rock

fuckin dude stopped me on my bike and was like

"lemmi ride it"
"how bout no"
"c'mon doo"
"fuck no dude"
"whatchu got in yo bag"
"not shit"
"give it here"
"your fukin trippin dude"


"what the fuck dude!"

*throws rock and hits him in the leg*

"fuck you ass hole"

dude i hate getting fucking robbed in the city for just riding or lookin different. ive been robbed 3 times.

do u think it would be a good idea if i packed some heat???

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No. Mostly because you get a lot of attention already...and if you get stopped a lot like I do (and happen to get searched) and were "packing" - well, it wouldn't be pleasant.

But I also don't know the gun control (and concealment) laws in the "Lou".
im just sick of getting robbed
Do you ever report it?
funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

seemed appropriate..
BUUUULLSHIT! dude learn parkour, those bitches will be gone, also some martial arts as well
i second that. get all up onz that self-defense business. swhere it's at! :P
st louis was rated the #1 most dangerous city [and highest STI's but w/e]

even tho it is dangerous it is still irresistable to ride.

hopefully ill have a video up within the next month or so.

some chicks car was broken into. guy smoking crack down the street
and some hick yelling at my hair.

martial arts wont do shit cuz black people run HELLAS FAST.
that cat looks like its getting raped:|


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