Mohawks Rock

both nazis and openly admit to it it, please ban these fuckers now.

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they dont need to be hassled, just banned.
if you are a nazi then it means that you want every other race gone because you believe you are somehow superior, you believing in that is doing something to people on this site, therefore you can fuck off back to stormfront you disgusting piece of shit.
not all national socialists supported Hitler's Final Solution just FYI.... i'm not even a Nazi and i know that. most people just do it for the shock factor and a chance to start fights, in that case they aren't really national socialists and are only nazis in name and partial practice.
Basically, yes.
These two are probably just young men who want to be contraversial and radical, and they have decided to side with an extremely unpopular political group.

So far, the White Pride man seems to be a fool, and quite opinionated (on his profile at least), but Deathwank is showing more maturity and level headedness than most people right now - I don't see him swearing at people and hurling abuse. Niether have I seen him abuse any person of colour or homosexual orientation. Forgive me if I am wrong, but if he can keep his opinions out of these site, why ban him? Its not as if he is reciting that all blacks should go to hell and homosexuals should be killed.

He seems to be just another user on this site. And until he starts doing acting on whatever beliefs he may hold, and actually hurting, threatening or abusing someone, I can't see how you could ban him.
thats exactly how i feel, and i noticed that the White Pride Guy while opinionated only commented to people that sent him any kind of comment disdaining his nazism... i didn't do anything and no one's said anything to me, and if he did i'd just delete the comment and laugh, because he can't say shit about me.
Exactly, personally, if I can't change his mind, I don't see the point in yelling.
Yes, thats half the problem, generally the opinionated comments are selfdefence - but - it you are openly supporting nazism, I'd be prepared for the comments, I think.

Personally, I think they are asking for the abuse. Well, at least WPWW is, but the people that claim to be moral are acting just as badly.
nicely put, Segadoway
I have read through this entire thread and some of the offshoot comments related to these two members. I will point everyone to our thread talking about the community, censorship and some real basic rules.

The general feel of this thread is in accordance to the direction we should head. A direction of tolerance, understanding and intelligent discussion. All members will not be able to do this, especially newer members who have not yet understood how this community wishes to be treated.

Threats, flaming and cussing them out in non-intellectual ways does nothing to forward this community. No matter their views, this behavior is counter-productive and not encouraged. Instead I would invite you to draw them out in discussion, try to understand the reasons for their beliefs, and intellectually try to dissuade them from their own hate speech and not add to the fire with your own.

Finally, I'd encourage you to read some of the thoughts of psychologist Carl Jung and "The Shadow" archetype. I actually just happened across this stuff randomly today while trying to resolve a computer problem. Jung's archetypes essentially try to recognize patterns of life in all humans or our stories that we are drawn toward.

"The Shadow" is the darker side of your personality, the side you are not as comfortable with, for most the side we choose to shun and push away. In christianity, satan represents the classical shadow archetype, but in all cultures this role is fulfilled by one character or another.

The ironic part of the shadow is that as a person pushes those fears and angers about themselves, further from their self image, the more those qualities are projected onto others; the more that person feels threatened, the more they "hate" that "other" person. You begin to hate more and more what you do not allow yourself to be or possibly even acknowledge. American Beauty does a good job of pointing this out with the hardened military man that hates homosexuals very ardently, only for the audience to be surprised later that his hatred stems from his own personal questions on sexuality. Now maybe thats a hollywoodish example, but its something to monitor in yourself when you find yourself loathing a person or particular groups of people. I'm sure I've heard a thousand times on here that many people hate punks because we live the freedom they only wish they had. Thats their "shadow".

The interesting part is that to really work on yourself and become one you have to circle back down into accepting the shadow as part of you and understand it, rather than shun it. I love finding people of different faiths and cultures no matter how hideous compared to my beliefs. If I am so repelled, then what is it about myself that I can discover in that repulsion? I can learn just as much from absense of synergistic thought if not more than with synergistic thought in a mindmeld forum. This is what gives our community life. I look forward to learning more about Jung and blending it with some of my thoughts on Schopenhauer and the "en soi". I know many of you will reply to this or other discussions and hopefully all of us will gain some insight.

Finally, Psycho Death Wank, while definitely not mainstream, does speak intelligently about topics, has been here a long time and also has responded to some of my private emails about questionable content very positively. I encourage you to draw him out in discussion and learn more about him, his views and possibly yourself if Jung is correct. I'd encourage Psycho to do the same with other members.

No one is without questions about life, about themselves. I think, here, at we tend to be of the like mind to probably have more questions than most, but also much more open to discuss and articulate them to form better understanding of ourselves and those around us.

Please report anyone to me that is needlessy harrassing and inciting others on a continual basis without any formative reason to start intellectual dialect. Death threats are needless, and will be severely looked into. Also, this is the internet, but your activity on the web is being examined more and more, by the real world legal system. If you are in the States, just look into the recent case where a lady is being charged for manslaughter (or some degree of murder) for inciting and berating a teenager to the point where she killed herself. Its a sad story, but something to be mindful of for all.
I was wondering when you were going to come into this.
Thank you for being another voice of reason, Giant Mohawk Man.
thanks!!! reason prevails
I've read snippets of this thread and got the gist of what's going on.
I have to agree with Giant Mohawk Man.

Banning someone because their views/beliefs are "unpopular" is not fair to those just trying to be themselves.
There are lots of intelligent people on this forum with very different views and personalities will clash.
But sometimes a devils advocate is what a forum needs. People learn more when they are challenged.

Now unless they directly threaten someone, are doing something illegal or violating the terms and conditions of the website (such as trolling), I don't see any reason to ban them.
If we banned everyone that had a different view, the forums would become very boring.
its not just a different view, its a view that encourages hate and genocide and its completely unacceptable


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