Mohawks Rock

How many relationships have you been in? Do you find that people dont find you attractive because of your hair or how you dress? What sort of people do you go for? Are you in one now?

I have just been rejected. Again.

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I've been with my fiancee for 2 years now - he's the only guy I've been with since I've had my mohawk. He also had a mohawk when we met. (He's actually in prison right now and they cant have mohawks while incarcerated).

The way I see it though, if someone thinks I'm ugly then I could care less. It's usually the squares or the conservative people who have a problem with my style. The feeling is quite mutual. I'm so much more attracted to a man with crazy hair or piercings or something out of the "norm", then someone who isn't.
zero. i dont really ever feel that way. some times maybeee... i go for the most unique and funny :) and mohawks are my weakness. nope!
4 relationships thus far.

first one was with a gorgeous girl who was significantly older than me. We had a good thing going for awhile but in the end, soon discovered we both wanted different things. She's still a good friend of mine, though.

Second relationship didn't last long at all. No offence to the guy, but he was boring. Only wanted to stay home all the time. He also was a crappy kisser. I still talk to him on occasion, but we're not close. To give him credit, he was very smart and savvy at computer hacking haha.

Third relationship was a nightmare. The guy was a DJ with an eating disorder and depression issues. Turns out that after the relationshp ended, I found out he was a pedophile with multiple warrants out for his arrest and he cheated on me with a 16 year old. The only reason he was interested in me was because he thought I was younger than I actually was (he said I looked 17, I was 20 when I dated him). He was driven out of my town and I no longer speak with him. On the contrary, I'll kick his ass if I ever see him again. :)

My fourth (and most recent) relationship was the most meaningful to me. He was the youngest person I have ever dated (18, I'm now 21) but he was the most fun. Same music interests, he is vegan, similar style (mohawk, thrift store clothing, etc). He got a job at the same restaurant as me and we worked together for quite awhile. We had a wonderful 4 months together but then it turned sour. Seems like I woke up one day and he changed. He became mean and bitched about everything, didn't want to talk or hang out with me, started texting other girls, and just downright became a different person. We were fighting all the time and I was miserable. I broke it off with him (although he wanted the relationship to continue) in May and haven't talked to him much since. Losing him hurt the most, but I've recently discovered I'm better off. I see him at shows all the time (he runs with the same crowd as I do) but he spends more time preaching to people about how they should be straight edge like him. Currently, our relationship even as friends is unstable due to his self-righteousness and arrogance.

Anywho. So here I am, single again, although I don't mind at all. Possibly I'll pursue the whole relationship thing again sometime in the future, but at the moment I enjoy my independence and freedom from drama and responsibility. Like many of the other chicas on here, I'm also very picky and tend to get even pickier with each relationship that goes down the tubes.
I've only had one true heartache, but he's the guy I've ever purely, truly loved. There was no give and take, only mesh. It was easy, because we made it easy for each other, and made no demands. I still miss him. But I've since then moved on, and feel in love, but in a more childish, happy, no care in my mind way. And it's also easy and great, and it's made me the happiest I've been in a long time.

sure, I've dated several guys, but most I could never say many were a "relationship."
well, scratch that. I guess me and that last guy aren't dating anymore.
Congratulations! :)
I come on here everyday and read the new stuff, I don't really speak though. I should probably start talking a bit more and adding some photos ^^
I'm in a relationship now, but I think people aren't really attracted by me or maybe, but I think it's more for the mohawk than the way I look... But anyway I love my girlfriend. I don't mind if people doesn't find me cute... I would like to hug you but I just saw you've been hug attacked before Haha..
I have only been in 1 real relationship. It's the most amazing thing in the world. But, the age difference has me wondering whether if he's just using me. =/ But he says he loves me, and I know I love him to death. He loves my hawk and he's getting one soon. I live in a small town, so most people are scared of me lmao. But, there's a group of people are in love with my hair.
I go for the creative, out of the fuckin' universe thinkers. Who are nice and love to goof around. I tend to goof around a lot, so it's always good if they goof around too. I'm in my first real relationship, and it's awesome :) I wouldn't give it up for anything.
We'll I'm in my first real relationship right now. Well i find people like me despite or what i wear and especially "gangster" guys like to try to hit on me why ill never know but they do.I had never have any one really ask me out though till my current boyfriend. Also I go for any and all :) My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 months now and he is just the most sweetest and amazing guy ever in my book. I couldn't have asked for a better guy.
Totally love your response. Haha
1) Only one, which sucked and caused more drama than I'm willing to endure ever again.
2) Probably, I don't know. There were more guys interested in me when my hair was really long, but I didn't like that at all... I'm a lesbian.
3) I usually have a crush on goth- and punk-looking girls. And I really don't wish to stereotype them, I'm writing the subcultures as reference to what those people look like, because I love the way most of them dress. The more extreme, the better. I guess I could love and respect a lot of different personalities if the person herself is a good one... I'm not willing to take shit, be manipulated into changing myself and that sort of crap.
4) Sadly, no.

The biggest problem I've got is with approaching people; I need to get my confidence up somehow, because it's starting to get really lonely. :/
- I refused to date anyone until I hit High School (so 15 yrs old?). I'm 22 now and I've had about 5 real relationships.

- Yup. A lot of people dislike it, or find it just weird. Personally, I don't wish to look "attractive" to anyone. I hate everyone. Sooo, I just want to be happy with the way I look for myself.

- I have dated a whole spectrum of guys.. from muscled, tattoo'd, health-nuts.. to thin, frail, feminine guys. I like people for their personality. They have to be able to make me laugh! Humor is probably the most important factor to me. And they have to leave me alone time to play my video games :)

- No I'm not. I have been in and out of relationships since High School. This is the first time I've been single for more than a few months. But I am very happy right now, I am in NO rush to get back into a relationship.


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