Mohawks Rock

Hi there,

First post to this forum, so hi everyone. :3

Okay, so I'm considering a Mohawk at the moment, not entirely sure just yet.

Anyway, I'm planning to use Got2b if I do, so, is the glue waterproof? 


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I have water resistant glue, but I HIGHLY recommend using the hairspray instead.
I only use a tiny bit of glue on the tips if they're being really annoying.
Ahh, Okay.

Thank you.

I was planning to use a Hairspray/Glue combo since I understand you can have it up for up to five? days like that.
No idea, I've always just hairsprayed it and it's been good for me.
Try it though. :P
Okie dokie ^^

Thanks for the input.
In my experience Got2B spray isn't too water resistant, it just gets destroyed, though that might be how I style my 'hawk, because I use a L'Oreal wax as a base then use the spray to firm it up.
Ooh, I see.

That kinda sucks. :/

But, thanks for the reply.
Everyone does their hawks differently when it comes to putting it up, just try different things and see what works the best for you. I use got2b hair freeze, it lasts me a good 3 to 4 days, when i shower i just don't wash my hair, i usually rub shampoo on a washcloth and rub the sides of my head and wipe it off. Water weakens the spray, glue does make it stronger but water still weakens it. It's not healthy to wash you head every day anyways so going a day or two without washing your head wont hurt you at all.
since when is washing your hair everyday unhealthy? i've never heard that.
it dires it out. and plus it gets rid of color way to fast.
its not totally unhealthy, but it aint the greatest thing you could ever do for your hair. your hair needs oils
yeah, that's what I meant lol, thanks riddle me this.
no problem X}
thing is i've been told that I SHOULD. xD
not to mention it's just really uncomfy to me >_>


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