Mohawks Rock

What do you think of punk within the last 5 years? Wether you think its too mainstream now, or just as bad ass as ever, I want to hear what everyone has to say.

Although I do not consider myself a punk, I have mixed opinions about it. I hate how most people consider every kid with a sum 41 T-shirt and an odd sort of hair cut a punk (thanks to MTV) But, I also respect the people who consider punk a mindset/ way of life, and not a fashion trend.

Anyways, I want to hear what you think. (even if it's telling me that I don't know shit about what I'm talking about)

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No sorry, I wasn't going against your point, I was arguing with the guy who said that Hollister and Hot Topic are owned by the same person. I'm just saying that I'm not one of those people who is against all corporations or whatever, I just don't like Hollister cause everyone wears it. So regardless of who owns Hot Topic, I would still but a band shirt there cause its a good place to get them. I cold care less who owns it.
definitely! sorry man

considering most band tees are 15 bucks! (20 if you have to have slim fit) it's a good price, haha
the only think I hate is buying a shirt at a show and then we get it in stock 4 months later...
Buying clothes at shows is so expensive..
This is a real long shit. Punk, fuck punk, if the people on this site are what punks are now i dont want to be a punk. I cant believe this is what punks become. How can you listen to bands yet be ignorant of everything they stood for. Subhumans- work, rest, play, die ''...are you willing to die for your beliefs or just to dye your hair... ''. I have been beaten, arrested, spit on, threatend(ive had guns put to my fucking head) and called everything you can imagine. I wont change my beliefs for anyone. And yeah ive met stupid fucks like you who say fuck the system until the cops are there with thier guns drawn and pointed at you then you break down and start crying begging the piggies ''please dont arrest me please'' what a fucking joke. When i first listened to punk i understood it, i didnt need to change to live like punks i was already living that way. Ive met old time punks who went to black flag shows, saw dead kennedys at the mabuhay, skated fullpipes with jfa, watched the misfits hold a broken bottle to a dudes throat, people who watched G.G. piss into a girls face. And not one of you fuckers wouldve been a punk then. Met an old time punk at a show came up punched me in the face before i even said a word to him then he smiled and said ''come on hit me right in the fucking mouth''. I hit him he smiled and gave me a beer. Thats what punk is grimy filthly shit. Here we dont need a fucking venue we take a drum set a few amps and plug into outlets at a city park and bands play till the pigs show up and kick us out. Now maybe punks whatcha make it maybe its about being nice and happy. But it wasnt like that before. Before punks fought against the corperate companys (like hot topic) instead of working at them every shirt you sell every fucking thing someone buys from you supports the government and their wars that anarchy sweat band you bought helps keep your government alive. Now i guess i dont fit into your scene i dont want to cause its not really punk. Punks not dead its just hiding from fuckers like you.
I retract any statement saying that i liked you, you are an ill educated fool.
You, my "verbose" friend are also being ignorant of all the subcultures within a subculture. Punk is a blanket label. Its what you make of it - leading heavily into DIY, lifestyle choices etc. There is no authority on it. And for you to make such broad statements about this group of people here and not know their stories or exeriences, beliefs, etc. makes you seem like an ignorant, elitist twat.

Not everyone who comes to the site is a punk, nor do they make the claim to be.
Having a mohawk or an interest in one doesn't make you punk. Obviously. Not everyone belongs, but this is a thriving community, nurturing, and fairly self-governing. It's only a peek into the lives of many of the members. You won't see everything or hear everything, and can't take it all at face value.
"All we know is that its a group of people who are sick of being spoon fed lies and corporte bullshit, thats all there is to it."

Sick quote.
Few things i suppose i should clear up for you fuckers. I didnt have space to make things clear as i wouldve liked in my last post even as ''verbose'' as i was. When i said the people on here i meant all the fuckers ive seen on here who say their punks. And im not an old time punk ill be 19 on the 27. Now punk is not whatever you want it to be. It is what it is. You cant just go changing it cause you want it to fit your life. Punks not for everyone. Its nasty, ugly, and full of piss. But thats how punks want it. Theres a good scene going im my city. The shows here are just as shitty and violent as they used to be. When you go to a show theres a good chance of getting arrested and a better chance of getting your head kicked in. If your not dedicated youll never know when or where the shows at. We got no time for weekend punks here. Either your all the way in or not in at all. Sorry fuckers you might have a mohawk and you might dress like a punk. But that doesnt mean shit. Wheres your attitude at i mean you guys have no anger no passion. You just a bunch of rebels with fake causes. I challenge any of you fuckers to a discussion about about your beliefs. Especially that seg piece of shit, ill educated, fuck you stupid shit you didnt even say what it was you didnt like about what i said. What i see here is people who say i believe this and i believe that but cant defend their beliefs. Wake the fuck up! And brian you may be tired of being spoon fed lies and corporate bullshit but you continue to open your mouth and eat it up.
You can't fight the system with a kicked in head mate, and stop saying wake the fuck up.
Fuck You....fuckn with ya man. FUCK THE SYSTEM an hhow it keeps us fuckn down. the goverment is shit an run by the fucknrich. i aint reading shit man but i fuckn see it every day. Im with yea man...PUNK IS FUCKN NASTY an full of fuckn piss hell yea. SOme of the assholes in here are to fuckn shit scared. the rich, the pigs an authority treats us like scum so we need to act like scum.

im pierced im inked an im punk. FUCK IT ALL if someone dont like it fuck them to.

piss the flag an fuck em all
People need to wake the fuck up when people start acting ill stop saying it and you might as well get your head kicked in your not doing much else with it
I refuse to argue with this bigot.


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