Mohawks Rock

well i got a puppy yesterday and i cant think what to name it.

Anyone got any ideas??

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not many of these suggestions were "punk"
It's dog punk.

Its much easier to name a dog if you see it! And not everything has to be hard and abrasive and fuck your face. haha

Also other various names that have come to mind:
fuck (any other variation of a swearing phrase)
any twist really for any band names or songs, etc.
Like if you are a horrorpops fan you might look at "Julia" differently, ya know?
Anything but spike. although that was the first thing that came to mind.
Tapestry 4!
Although you have to find out yourself if people ask what happened to the other 3.
You could call it Punk.
I had a lab once named Cain (like cain and abel...he kept chewing on the other dog.)
Lint is always good (tim armstrong nick name during oi days.)
But I'd personally go with AssHatt
the two t's are very important.
I called my cat "teapot "cuz I thought that š fucking funny, I don't know... Find something funny like ganjaman or something and It's done! ;)
dumptruck,chunk,sir gobbelsworth,deowgee(D-O-G),tranchula,corn,ass-goblin,gary,nigger,honkey,spick,jew-bag, and last but not least hey dog those can go but ways for any animal and sex
Haha.. my dog's name is Spike. Yeah, he's a Dachshund yet his name is Spike (But, hey, we got him years ago and named him after that dog on The Rugrats..haha)

Hm.. if it looks tough name it Sir Cutesiekins, Woddlesworth, or Wrinklekins
If it doesn't, name it Big Dog, Hulk, or Sir Tiny.

Wow.. now I wish I had a dog that needed a name... sounds fun, haha :)
deefa, or d for dog=deefa


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