I've been rocking my hawk for almost 4 years straight now and anyone who has known me before I had it (which there aren't many that I still associate with) thinks it suits my personality and style far more than before I had it and everyone who's known me since the cut can't believe I'm the same person as in these pics.
Age 14.
17 yr old driver's license (which they confiscated when I turned 21. Sadness).
Sometime around 18. Hair past shoulders
19 after my hair started to get shorter from braiding it all the time. A few months before cutting it.
Age 19. I called this the ghettohawk. My hair was way too processed to stand up back then. Even with tons of gel it would flop over.
I'm curious what some of you gals looked like before your transformation (that is if you're still rocking one).