Mohawks Rock

which do you prefer? me personnally, its booze :)

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Had to quit both while I pay my parents back the fuckn huge debt I racked up on both, but when I hit back.. both. all the time. ALWAYS!!!!


(chronologically though it's gotta be pot before booze, the other way round only ever ends up the same way, doing the dragon)

alcohol all the way. fuck im pissed now. :)


Either can be fun or a complete disaster depending on the surroundings. I'd rather be sober most weeks though. I can't really function when I'm fucked up.
Weed is the only way to go bro
booze, smoking pot makes you hang out you normally wouldnt.
I do both but i prefer mota man. lol Booze isnt what it used to be for me -__-

booze!! and lots of it!!


No doubt about it, can't live without it, alcohol! haha
alcohol its cheaper, funner, and above all a much better buzz
Used to be alcohol for me, then pot, and now alcohol again... it's a cycle. Pot brings me down though, and alcohol brings me up. What about hairspray fumes?


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