Mohawks Rock

so im curious to know what piercings you all have,and tattoos also.

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I currently have 8 piercings, if I had all piercings still i'd have 11. 3 in each lobe, 1 cartilage, labret. I used to have 1 in each eyebrow and my lip. I only have 2 tats but that's because of lack of money. I'm thinking about getting an industrial as my next piercing so would that count as 2? lol
*both ears stretched to 10 mm, rightside also a normal one above that with a little ankh dangling from it.
*vertical labret (lip)
*vertical clithood
* and just now re-opened the septum I used to have, it's back YAY!

*wolfshead left upper arm
*bat lower belly
*rattlesnake (unfinished) across the whole right arm, starting at the wrist, across shoulderblade back to the front, head on the right boob.

Upcoming tatts:
* purple winged rose leftankle
* starfield right foot and ankle
* winged ankh, (own design) on the whole back, wingtips on sides
* more wolves around the first one
* black spikey triangles around left wrist
here are 3 of my tattoos

this is the first one i got

this is not a good picture of my second one but it's the only one i can find

and this is the one i got for my girls

right bottom lip, 14g
septum, 14g
left and right ear, 0g

looking forward to tattoos in the future as well as my left bottom lip and bridge. i like symmetry lol! i dont wear my lip and septum at the same time cause it bugs me that its not symmetrical!
None and can't really get them either - I'm a haemophiliac.
i have 5 tattoos all from final fantasy 7.
and 4 piercings i have 3 plugs in one ear and one 26mm plug in the other
I have
-4 in one ear 5 in the other
- two tats on my hips

and i miss my eyebrow and nipple and ive had my belly button but im not made for belly button piercings XD
I have snakebites and nothing else as of now , but i was thinking about getting my eyebrow pierced and my left ear, and i got some really good ideas for tattoos.

I have...four lobe piercings, both nipples, surface bars on the hips, bellybutton, septum, bridge, and two dermal anchors up near my collarbones...looking to make it six anchors sometime this week.

26 piercings total right now, and 9 retired or re-pierced.

Right now I have my first holes on my lobes stretched to 1/2", second holes stretched to 2g, third holes stretched to 12g, conch, two tragus piercings in my right ear, helix, forward helix, both nostrils, septum, left and right monroes, smiley, two vertical labrets, a microdermal at the base of my neck, and a corseting over my throat.

As far as tattoos, my left sleeve is about halfway finished, an chestpiece I plan to add to, and a piece on my left leg.

I miss having my bridge pierced, I want to get it re-done eventually.

I have now;

- 14 g snakebites

- 14 g niebühr (=bridge)

- 14 g septum

- On both ears; 14 g plus 1/2" stretchings

- 14 g navel


Next I'm probably goinng to pierce my left nipple, if I have the courage and money to do it in the summer, when I travel back to my childhood hometown. And whenever I get enough money and inspiration I'm going to get some ink on my skin, have wanted a few tattoos for about six years now but since I grew up, I'm wise enough to wait until I'm completely sure what I'm going to get. No more piercing on my face, though, it's look like I would've gotten in a fight with a stapler, lol...




















                                                          Can you define those as piercings?



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