Mohawks Rock

Hey I'm pretty new here and I was wondering how wide to get my Mohawk. I'm hoping to grow it out pretty long, probably 5" inches or more, but i want to make sure it's not to thin when i put it up. I also want to make sure it's long enough to part down the middle for work and other formal occasions. Thanks.

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I went with the standard 3 fingers thick and it worked fine for me
its slang for "more hawks"
I lol'ed
I got like 4-5cm from the beginning but now after some years and alot of cutting the sides it is thin so guess It´s good if it is a little thicker from beginning or just being carefull while cutting it later. never tryed to have it formal tough kinda hard when the hair is already crazy coloured.
I'm re-growing mine to be 3 inches wide. You can always go narrower, cant go wider
Cool thanks mate.
No problem, are you doing it yourself/friend or going to a barber? For the initial cut I recommend barber, friends/family always fuck it up

really? i find that a barber usually screws it up. 


the first time i got my hawk cut i went in to go get it trimmed and the idiot working there did some massive damage. 

I walked in and said "my friend just cut my hair, but he's not confident with scissors so i just need my hawk to be the same length cause its shorter in the back than in the front *show him hair*. thats all i want you to do... just a trim. you can go a little shorter on the sides but do NOT cut my hawk with the clippers"

what does he do? he trims it like i asked THINS OUT MY HAWK, and then buzzed it so that as my hawk ran to the nape of my neck it got more and more narrow into a point. 


It was near to impossible to put up. Last time i ever get a hairstylist to cut/fix a mohawk.

*goes and sobs quietly in the corner*

I never go to a salon/barber for this reason but I always wonder with stories like these, don't you watch what they are doing? Why don't you speak up if it's not what you want?

well when he was shaving the sides shorter i didnt think anything of it till he was done... i figured he understood me. 


when he started thinning it (I've never had anyone use thinning shears on my hair before, its already pretty fine) he held up my hair like he was going to trim it and then he takes the scissors and starts about an inch from the roots and starts chopping away *psycho music plays*

I was pretty horrified, and i didnt think i could stop him after he just thinned out a quarter of it. I just left, with a pretty pissed look on my face but still tipped him anyway.

I rocked the hawk for awhile till it was too much of a hassle to put up and just shaved my head. its just hair, it grew back and now i have a much better hawk. 

I've heard of barbers butchering 'hawks, never seen it myself tho. Maybe its because whenever I went in for the initial cut my hairs only 2 or so inches tall.

I had my friend cut my first one, and he cut it pretty much how you described, a big V, but at the time my hair was about 20 inches long, so I can imagine its pretty hard to do when you have to keep whipping the hair around to see where you are

I'm getting a barber to do it but it's not my usual guy, it's his buddy who works at the same place, hopefully it comes out right but if not it's no big deal I'm starting out short.


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