Mohawks Rock

do you think I could rock a hawk?
Im going to do it anyway, but I would like some honest opinions, which Im sure you people can do since none of you really know me anyway..

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go for it
Stop doubting yourself.
you could also try putting your hair up with out cutting it to get an idea.

never know until you try AND! hair always grows back. unless you go bald. then you're fucked ;-)
That would be the worst thing ever!
Having a mohawk, and the start to go bald.

I think I would cry.
I'd get a wig ;-)
A mohawk wig? I still would never be the same D:
Just do it. Chances are, you'll look amazing. If you decide you don't like it, hair grows out. At an average of half an inch a month, you'll have plenty again in no time.
Or just start with putting a guard on a pair of clippers.
No need to go 100% bald the first time.

...But its really fun.
I've never actually shaved bald. I always left a little fringe. I should really try the bald look...for shits and giggles if nothing else.
Its SO much fun. Its kinda hurts people when you rub your head on them. When I would get teasingly mad at my boyfriend I would threaten to rub my head on him xD And it feels AMAZING to be scratched. =DD
thanks to all! youre all totally right, i guess..but if i did have to go bald that would suck!. id get a wig. how many of you have had to use a wig ?


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