Mohawks Rock

Shocking New Birth Certificate Proof Obama Born In Kenya?

California attorney Orly Taitz has released a copy of a birth certificate that purports to show Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, which if authenticated would plunge the United States into a constitutional crisis and potentially herald a catastrophic loss of confidence in the legitimacy of the government.


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"obviously, you love the idea of socialism" 

Yes, yes I do.

Under Obamacare, The Government Would Indoctrinate Your Kids

TV star and political commentator Chuck Norris points out in an editorial today that under the Obamacare legislation currently being vociferously opposed in town halls across the country, the government would empower itself to carry out home intrusions and state re-education of children under a Stalinist indoctrination program.

I don't see how a rudimentary welfare state is the same as Stalinism?  Pretty sure Stalin's Soviet Union was a shitty place to live.


However the idea of Chuck Norris as a political commentator is hilarious, does he rate politicians with roundhouse kicks?

Damn you're a good troll. I don't think I'd be able to keep up this idiot-act for as long as you did!
seriously, the poster of these subjects sounds like they may have a few marbles missing. XD
American politics are fucking hilarious!! In a league of their own against the rest of the world. I saw on tv when this dude was trying to rack up votes and his supporters were chanting like a football game or summat haha
The whole "Obama is a terrorist and is not a citizen" thing was just a bullshit tactic used by the Right to distract everyone from the real issues. >_>
What's disappointing is not that the right-wingers seriously tried to convince people of this being true, despite the fact that there's a whole, lengthy background check that goes into people running for candidacy, but that people actually believed that he was not born in the US. Or else chose to believe it.
I couldn't agree more. By now everyone should be used to hearing shit and lies from the right; it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. What is surprising, though, is that more people haven't realized this. These morons keep buying into the bullshit so the right remains powerful. That is truly sad.

his middle name is hussein?

that's not going to sit well with ignorant america

Why the fuck do you Americans care so much about where he was born?
It's in our constitution or some other such important document that the pres has to be born in the us or on us soil (military base or something) Basically there's too many pissed off white christians who hate the idea of having a black pres so they're looking for the stupidest, most asinine reasons to try and get him out of office. Even though he's done a fuck-ton better than good ol' bush jr...


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