Mohawks Rock

Shocking New Birth Certificate Proof Obama Born In Kenya?

California attorney Orly Taitz has released a copy of a birth certificate that purports to show Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, which if authenticated would plunge the United States into a constitutional crisis and potentially herald a catastrophic loss of confidence in the legitimacy of the government.


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even if it is for the sake of conversation, dont say it or this bitch will straight up insult you with empty facts. for all you know he could be born in kenya. he also could be born in france.  but YOU dont know

The Kenyan "Birth Certificate" says his father was 26 when he was born. His father was 25.
just wondering if anyone has any opinions on it, that's all. no need to get all defensive

shut your mouth


I think it's just silly. People had something (and most of the time, they don't know exactly what it is) against him and tried to make his life difficult because they'd rather have sarah palin in office than obama..and she wasn't the one who was running for president, she was the VP pick. I've seen all sorts of forged documents. Also, big brother wouldn't have let the election go so far. They research everything about you when you run for office.

However, not as silly as my dads friends who were pushing to get him impeached within three days of being elected.
Who is your dad?
He's in retired from the military [now]... and the majority of the guys he worked around in the past (that he stayed friends with)...well...weren't exactly thrilled with a black president with no military history that they knew of. =\
you guys are missing the point. if you guys still believe in this left/right paradigm in politics, than you are far more ignorant than i thought. haha
If i had a sig, i would sig this immediately. FUCKING OWNED.
and "freedom of speech shall not be hindered...."
why are you so upset? what, 'cause people in america have opinions?? is it sooo wrong to ask questions about the government??? obviously, you love the idea of socialism and i think you would very much enjoy working in a fema camp too. i don't understand why everyone on this website is sooo defensive. listen, people have their own opinions and i have a right to state mine also, but you don't have to put people down for speaking out for what they believe in, you sound like a fascist bitch. so here, enjoy this and get really angry. you're pathetic

Curious Facts about Obama
Olavo de Carvalho
JOURNAL DO BRASIL, Sept. 18, 2008
Hamas, and the Presiden of Iran, do not hide their enthusiasm for the candidacy of Sen. Obama. Ahmadinejad clearly stated that if the democratic candidate should win, revolutionary Islam would dominate the world. These are not empty words. Even the NYTimes had to admit, that of the 200 millions collected by the Obama campaign over the internet - double the total amount obtained by any candidate for the US Presidency, historically - the bulk does not originate from the American electorate, but from a few mega accounts of billions of Dollars, owned by Iran, Saudi Arabia and China. (Op Ed page of August 29th, Maureen Dowd article).
In the US proper, there is not one communist or pro terrorist organization that does not support the Democratic candidate, the connections to the radical left of which have turned out to be much deeper than the Obama campaign ever dared to admit. His relations with the terrorist William Ayres, for instance, are most revealing. Obama described Ayres as being only a neighbor with whom he never talked about politics. It is a proven fact that both were not only the leaders of a leftist NGO, but that Obama included this information as a qualification, a factor used to enduce the Democratic Party to make him a senatorial candidate.
It is not astonishing therefore, that both the national media in America and the worldwide media have built around Obama a protective wall similar to the one surounding President. Lula, with regard to the existence and the facts about the 'Foro de Sao Paulo' (an international association of marxist nations founded by Lula).
The most notable secrets concern two criminal court cases prosecuted against Obama, the first one initiated by a citizen of Minesota who complained about being threatened not to reveal that he par- took of cocain and had homosexual relations with the Democratic senator. The second, initiated by a Pennsylvania lawyer, accusing Obama of falsifying his birth certificate in order to deceive the electoral register. This allegation, if proven, would render Obama absolutely inelegible as candidate for the US Presidency. Obama had till the 24th of Sept. to respond to the latter case.
The effete media notwithstanding, prefers to direct its attention on rumors about the Palen family, and their apparent relevance to universal peace.
The uniformity of these global manipulations is becoming increasingly apparent, diminishing the credibility (and circulation) of the prominent newspapers, thus increasing the power of radio and electronic journalism - this has reached such proportions, that the elitist left in the US Congress is now studying ways to impose government controls on this type of media communication.
This has been a most explosive debate subject in American politics.and has been - for obvious reasons - systematically ignored in Brasil.
The support for Obama in Brasil has reached such proportions, that one could be tempted to think that the outcome of the American elections depended on 'Globo' and the 'Folha de Sao Paulo'. In a paroxism of Obamic passion, the clown Arnaldo Jabor proclaimed, that the American conservatives hate the Jews. This lie leads him to a great pitfall, as the left, in fact, accuses the conservatives of being fanatic Zionists.
Regarding media supervision and control Brasil is much ahead of the US. When the decision is made to impair the media sites of the opposition, no law is passed because it is complicated and can easily backfire.. Instead, a hacker is contracted and instructed to plant a virus that makes the site inoperable. To do this in the US, is a prison offence; in Brasil however, it is only a head-ache for the victim, but for the criminal perpetrator it is a distinct delight.
These people, in fact, cherish being allied to characters of extreme originality. When Michael Moore and Dan Lawson, the former Chairman of the Democratic Party became aware that Hurrican Gustav was going to impede the Republican convention, they declared that this is proof certain that God exists; and further, both claimed that they had had indescribable succsessions of multiple orgasms. Another proof of moral superiority of the left; their god does not hesitate to kill thousands of people, in order to provide votes for his only begotten son, Obama, the saviour. But faith sometimes is tested. Gustav turned out to be more moderate than anticipated and killed no one. And the Republican convention was a success.


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