Mohawks Rock

The back/bottom bit keeps rubbing against my jacket and clothes and it feels annoying and it gets messed up. It's only a short 'hawk at the minute but what can I do to stop the rubbing? Do you shave it up from the neck so that it doesn't rub or trim it? When it's longer it'd rub all the time so trim it up then or what?

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it looks like its at that awkward stage where it can get stuck in your collar and in the back of your shirt,am i right? cus that shit deffinetly gets annoying.if its getting stuck in studs on your jacket collar remove some of them on the back,its better than getting your hair stuck every time you move your head.
it is so annoying yeah! i might try wearing more backless stuff so i get used to the feel of it more
eventually youll get use to manouvering your head so your hair doesnt get stuck on things.ine use to get stuck in my studs all the time and i just got fed up and ripped em out.
as soon as yours gets like 2 inches longer it wont be so hard.
yeah i used to get that all the time
omg thats so fuckin annoyyin!
whats worse is if your got badges going along yer jacket collar!
fuckin OW
sorrry that ddint help at all ahhaa i just wanted to rant
never had that problem. cut mine when it was like 5 inches long.
feel lucky you didnt


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