Mohawks Rock

What's the most childish thing that you've done or have watched someone else do that made you laugh?

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i found a unicorn (stuffed) that children use as a horse and your supposed to ride it, and i found this in the kids section. and i was with my parents and brother. i pulled the unicorn off the shelf and sat down on it and looked up at my parents for approval which i did not get (my mom was like "Sarai, what the fuck are you doing???" with an appauled expression on her face). then i started yelling "GO JUSTIN GO!!!!! TAKE ME TO CANDY LAND!!!!!" and then my dad told me togrow up and he took away the unicorn :(
idk every day is pretty imature for me. its bad enough that me and my 4 year old have almost always agreed on cool toys and shows
I shit my pants once to get out of class:| odd
I was crawling around yesterday. It's fun.
love the subtlety there, you made me laugh XD
once at a store i found a whoopie cushion and followed my mom all over the store making farting noises and going "ah mom that's gross" "mom c'mon we're in public" and variations of that. she wasn't too happy about it. i also walk around stores with foam swords pretending to be a pirate.
every once nd' awhile when me nd' my da are in a isle in safeway when it's packed or the mall, i'll act mentally handicap ond he'll push me around sayin' "i can't believe i'm stuck taking care of you, you'r such a retard, you suck" and other random shite, i'll do it just rite so i'm foamin' at te mouth nd' such then when everyones looking at em' like a prick ill push em into somethin and run off with a limp, usually into another isle where we stretch our creativity to see what other reactions we can get from people

one trick is actin' special and annoying someone in line, smelling candybars while ye stare at them, ask them 20 guestions bout what gums made of nd generally be strange and obnoxious
ye'd be surprised, if ye can hold a straight face you can usually get 3 people to leave the line
hahaha that's way funny.
when i'm with my mum in public i'll talk with a huge lisp and she gets so mad and tell me to speak right but i just keep on going, i'll be like "bud i can't, thiz iz the way i talk, why are u sso mean to me, just because i can't spweak wight"
it's really hilarious
hahaha right on i gotta try that


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