Mohawks Rock

Im just wondering why do most people with mohawks always have curly or straight hair? Can it be nappy or something?Personally my hair is bushy but I could still fan it out pretty good.personally I think nappy hawks make me lol.. but whats your opinions on em?Ever seen somebody with one? Mr.T.. exed lol

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You already made a thread on nappy mohawks... Why are you so concerned about what others think of them? If you like it then keep it, if not then shave it.
Hair is hair.
Do what you want.
it doesnt matter, at all.
Im sorry if I seem rude by saying this, but is this guy for real or is someone just trolling? I honestly can't tell :S
i was sure it was a troll, but now im less certain, im still pretty sure though
we get his rocks off by getting all mad... /shudder
i lold


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