Mohawks Rock

So i started thinking about this when reading Lena post. I got my hawk after i helped my best friend put in  his dreadhawk (r.i.p.) and now an older guy i work with has a really nice looking mohawk. It seams when one person gets a hawk more people around them starting wanting one. I had been wanting to put one in for a long time and helping Steve out in his dreadhawk was just too much. I tried waiting until i had a job but i just couldn't. Now i'm inspiring others to do the same. I love my funny fun hair!! 

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ya know what else is contagious? i showed my mom a gravity bong and helped her take her first hit outta one last night when we were gettin high now her friends are trying it today hahahah
once again my mohawk has inspired another. and once again someone who's older and i work with.
dude i noticed that! cause i did my big ass mohawk, and then like all these non-punks started to shave their heads! like so far in the past month ive seen about seven new mohawks. this was after i did mine, fuck man.
this happens to me alot once I got my mohawk people around me started getting them amd not necessarily real mohawks but faux hawks especially the chicks and then they like to tell me our hawks are the same
Mohawks are incredibly contagious! One person gets the balls to shave the head and it spreads like WILDFIRE!


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