Mohawks Rock

I am going to try and make my first vest. Does anyone here have any tips on how to make one. Oh, and about patches... where can I buy some and any cool ideas on making them? I am going to put on a picture of a vest that i got from a thrift store and maybe you guys can tell me if it would be good for a vest. the neck might be too low cut and it looks a little too cowboy for me. Anywhere i can buy another one? Keep in mind that I am skinny and width challenged.... so i don't want to look like im drowning in it.

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The neck is a little cowboyish lol.

for patches i usually just get a old t shirt and went to a craft store and bought fabric point. just make the stencil and use the paid and there you go! a patch :P. go to local shops and buy patches or old shirts and cut em up
The cowboy thing is what i was afraid of :/. have any pictures of yours so i can see what a better one looks like?
Trial and error.

Seam rippers can be your best friend.

I also added another patch on the back.. but i havn't pictured it yet
Double post ftw! I also have a picture of my dickies jacket, I don't think I have pictures of the back though sorry :(

I like the jackets deadkid! I need to go to thrift stores more often! Thanks for all the help guys! I want to get started asap! As for sewing it.. should I jsut do and over under kind of thing?
over/under... running stitch? those work! haha (you can even glue your edges down or the corners if you don't have safety pins to hold it in place while you sew) that is something that might help out a lot too.

But do whatever is easier for you, as long as it holds. We won't laugh at you. =]
But if you super/hot glue your patches on to a leather jacket like my friend did...well...that's another story.
Thanks ALOT guys :D. Any idea where to get studs? Do some schools have rules against studs on jackets?

i bought mine there, pretty good prices(200 77' spikes for 12$, 16 with shipping)
In the county that I live in school will let you have all the studs you little heart can desire.
But if you're a guy you can't wear a kilt. ...but I'm pretty sure they can wear dresses/skirts.
You can't wear bandannas, but you can wear headbands. That kind of lame stuff.
Different schools same shit. I'm sure there are some funky rules. Its great if you keep the "student handbook" handy, Ive read allllllllll the dress codes in mine carefully. Sometimes if teachers/administrators don't like what you're wearing they'll telly you that you can't -when the county say's you can.
Fuck Studs and spikes.That shits waaaaay too expenseive.For a 100 cnt bag of cone spikes Its 6.47 at studs and spikes and its only 3.25 for the same shit.This is a huge difference because your not gonna want only 100.You cant do but a 1/4 of your jacket with that much so honestly your looking $15 for your jacket with leftover studs at vs $26 at
Studs and spikes have way better quality, donate to charities etc
SAS is way better


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