Mohawks Rock

Well, I was walking back to my friends place this morning after staying at another friends after a show last night (Gogol Bordello played and it was EPIC. Such a great show!) and some guy pulled over on a busy street and waved me over just to say "That is the best mohawk i've seen in YEARS!" and then he drove away. That was pretty cool. So I kept walking, and this chick driving an 18 wheeler slows down and yells out her window "I LOVE your hair!! Rock on!!!"


Heh. makes me feel pretty good when people do stuff like that ^__^ so just figured i'd share with you guys.

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Ya i love it when people say that on facebook or in person!
Also, that was awesome.
You have a picture from the night?
I don't :[ i only knew a couple people there, and no one i knew had a camera. *sigh*

But wow, the show was great. I wish I had a camera, but even if i had one, i certainly wouldn't have brought it. It was crazy there!
would have love to have seen the hair! Next time, take a photo before you go!! I miss a great show, or maybe Im just getting old.
It's a great feeling when someone compliments like that. Esp. 'cause it's genuine and a spur of the moment surprise.

It's nice to hear good folk being nice to strangers too. =)
I went to a gig with my fiancee a week or two ago and the singer was like "dude, some guy has the biggest fucking mohawk I've ever seen!" they later tore a plastic wallet out of their song book and made people pass it back to me as a "condom for my hair" lol.
I love it when your at a show and the bands point you out when on stage. I was at a show Davey Casket and the Ghouls, not sure if they're a band anymore but the bassest got on the microphone and was like "i love when theres just that one person in the crowd with a mohawk and you know they're keeping the scene alive"

It feels good i hear more posistivety than hate, i like it when old people come up to me and rave over my hair. Idk it just like the middle aged people are the haters on it.


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